Cependant, comme pour les structures, le langage C permet de déclarer des variables dans la déclaration du type énumération, éventuellement en omettant l'étiquette d'énumération. Cependant, travailler avec enums vous donne l'efficacité ainsi que la flexibilité. The default underlying type of the enumeration elements is int. So hätten eine Menge Programmierfehler aufgefangen werden können. enumerator-list: enumerator enumerator-list, enumerator. Énumération (ou enum) est un type de données défini par l'utilisateur en C. Il est principalement utilisé pour attribuer des noms à des constantes entières. Das gilt auch für die bisherige Variante der Enumerations. No Enumerated data type … And, const1, const2,…., constN are values of type flag. We can write C programs without using enumerations also. An example. nécessaire]. The following is the way to define the enum in C: An enumeration is a user-defined data type that consists of integral constants. enum enum_name { element1, element2, element3, element4, }; Now let's define an enum of the above example of seasons. To define an enumeration, keyword enum is used. Enum underlying type. An enum is defined using the enum keyword, directly inside a namespace, class, or structure. An enumeration is the distinct type whose value is restricted to the range of values (see below for details), which may include a several explicitly named constants (“enumerators“). For example: enum enumerated-type-name{value 1=1, value2, value3}; And, The consecutive values of the enum will have the next set of code value(s). Voici un exemple de déclaration enum. typedef enum Volume Volume; enum Volume {FAIBLE, MOYEN, FORT}; Vous noterez qu'on utilise untypedeflà aussi, comme on l'a fait jusqu'ici. Exemple pour le démontrer. 1. enum flag {const1, const2,..., constN}; Here, name of the enumeration is flag. Using enum … namespace ex {// new enum type enum class color {yellow, orange, red};} ex:: color background = ex:: color:: orange; Starke Typisierung. Enumerated types in the C# programming language preserve most of the "small integer" semantics of C's enums. Ces noms facilitent la lecture et la maintenance d'un programme. Need of Enum The compiler automatically initializes enum names, and internally, the compiler treats them as integers. Short for enumeration, an enum variable type can be found in C (ANSI, not the original K&R), C++ and C#. Le tableau traditionnel associe des entiers consécutifs à des valeurs d'un certain type, le tableau associatif associe des valeurs d'un type arbitraire à des valeurs d'un autre type. The enumerator names are usually identifiers that behave as constants in the language. For this example it uses an underlying type of byte. An enumeration is a distinct type whose value is restricted to a range of values (see below for details), which may include several explicitly named constants ("enumerators"). {v1, v2} ⇒ v1, v2 are constant value names, stored in an integer format. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies. enum_name ⇒ Here, enum_name is an identifier, the name of the variable given by the user. Syntax. Enum.GetUnderlyingType, a static method, determines the underlying type. Geplant war (laut ANSI-C-Standard) enum, um ohne Casts verschiedene integrale Typen vermischen zu können, was ja sonst in der Regel einen Compiler-Fehler zur Folge hat. The idea is that instead of using an int to represent a set of values, a type with a restricted set of values is used instead. Ici, une variable etat de type enum boolean est créée.Voici un autre moyen de déclarer la même variable etat en utilisant une syntaxe différente. Enum or enumerator is an integer or number with defined meaningful names. One issue with enums is that the name of the enumerated type doesn't show up along with the enum. C++ has enumeration types that are directly inherited from C's and work mostly like these, except that an enumeration is a real type in C++, giving added compile-time checking. Cela permet de regrouper des constantes d'un même contexte dans un même type. Because they are constants, the names of an enum type's fields are in uppercase letters. ; Enum helps in writing clear codes and to make our program more readable. You can change default values of enum elements during declaration (if necessary). Enum in C. The enum in C is also known as the enumerated type. Summary. enum - Used to define an enumeration. Cette façon de faire permet d'éviter d'utiliser des littéraux, ce qui a pour effet de rendre le code plus facile à lire. The following is the way to define the enum in C: The enum keyword is also used to define the variables of enum type. Enum. In C or C++ by enumeration or just enum we mean grouping together a set of const integral values as a single type.Like the user-defined type every enumeration is a unique type having it’s own rules and members also known as enumerators.In C++(including C++11 and C++14) there are two types of enumeration:scoped enumeration and unscoped enumeration.. The typedef statement may be specified by itself or as part of a enum or struct definition. This enumeration data type helps in reading the program. It work like the Integer. Par défaut, const1 est 0, const2 est 1 et ainsi de suite. We could say: if ( press_value == 32 ). To define an enumeration, keyword enum is used. Und die Funktion erwartet als Eingabe einen Wert vom Typ enum TrafficLightState, statt einer nichts aussagenden Integerzahl. Déclare une structure (ou enregistrement) ma_structure composé de N champs, champ1 de type type1, champ2 de type type2, etc. An enum is defined using the enum keyword, directly inside a namespace, class, or structure. enumerated-type-name variable-name = value; By default, the starting code value of the first element of enum is 0 (as in the case of array) . Le principal intérêt des type enum est de permettre de définir des ensembles de constantes entières en les regroupant par thème. But it can be changed explicitly. Vous pouvez modifier les valeurs par défaut des éléments enum lors de la déclaration (si nécessaire). C# Enumerations Type - Enum. const1, const2, ...., constN sont des valeurs de type flag. It makes constant values more readable, for example, WeekDays.Monday is more readable then number 0 when referring to the day in a week. To define enums, the enum keyword is used. Toutes les constantes enum doivent être uniques dans leur portée. C’est la principale différence entre structure union et enum en C. En programmation, une variable peut stocker une valeur d'un seul type de données. When you use the enum constant, it could really mean anything. enumerated-type-name variable-name = value; By default, the starting code value of the first element of enum is 0 (as in the case of array) . Debugger-Werte von enum-Variablen können symbolisch dargestellt werden. Wie schon bei typedef empfiehlt es sich auch bei enum, die Deklaration eines Aufzählungstyps noch vor main() anzusiedeln. The values of the constants are values of an integral type known as the underlying type of the enumeration. Parfois, il est nécessaire de stocker des variables de types différents en une seule unité. The unscoped enumeration is the C … New Keywords. It is used for creating an user defined data type of integer. Enumerated types are used to make a program clearer to the reader/maintainer of the program. Here, we have defined an enum with name 'season' and 'Summer, Spring, Winter and Autumn' as its elements. In the above program, two enums are declared as week and day outside the main() function. If we use typedef directly when declaring the enum, we can omit the tag name and then use the type without the enum keyword: typedef enum { RED, GREEN, BLUE } color; color chosenColor = RED; But in this latter case we cannot use it as enum color, because we didn't use the tag name in the definition. Enums type can be an integer (float, int, byte, double etc.) Using the enum keyword, we can declare an enumeration type with using the enumeration tag (optional) and a list of named integer. The enum is a keyword. Notre énumération s'appelle iciVolume. The unscoped enumeration is the C … C'est une forme de généralisation de la notion de tableau. enumerator: enumeration-constant enumeration-constant = constant-expression enum flag {const1, const2, ..., constN}; By default, const1 is 0, const2 is 1 and so on. Enumeration in C. An enum is a keyword, it is an user defined data type. enum season { spring, summer, autumn, winter }; Here, the name of the enumeration is season. C ++ code example: #include using namespace std; int main() { // enum named Gender is defined here enum … Short for enumeration, an enum variable type can be found in C (ANSI, not the original K&R), C++ and C#.The idea is that instead of using an int to represent a set of values, a type with a restricted set of values is used instead. In the main() function, the values of enum elements are printed. Die nächsten 8 Bit, welche benötigt werden, wenn Daten vom Typ short in die Variable z geschrieben werden, bleiben unverändert. enum … Then When the GetUnderlyingType method is called, the System.Byte type is returned. Enumerated (enum) Data Types in C. The Enumerated data type allows the programmer to invent the programmer's own data type and decide what value the variables of this data type may carry. Ces différentes valeurs réprésentent différents cas ; on les nomme énumérateurs[réf. The enum keyword in C# and .NET is used to declare an enumeration, a distinct type that consists of a set of named constants called the enumerator list. All properties of integer are applied on Enumeration data type so size of the enumerator data type is 2 byte. For example: enum enumerated-type-name{value 1=1, value2, value3}; And, The consecutive values of the enum will have the next set of code value(s). La grande force des tableaux en php, c'est que derrière chaque tableau se cache un tableau associatif. Note: an explicit specialization declaration of a scoped enumeration member of a class template is the only case where nested-name-specifier appears before enum-name (since C++14) Exemples : enum jour {LUNDI, MARDI, MERCREDI, JEUDI, VENDREDI, SAMEDI, DIMANCHE} d1, d2; déclare d1 et d2 comme étant des variable de type enum jour, An enumeration constant or a value of enumerated type can be used anywhere the C language permits an integer expression. • Der enum Typ „Day“ kann sogar als Parametertyp in der Methode printDay deklariert werden. Some arithmetic operations are not defined for enums, but an enum value can be explicitly converted to an integer and back again, and an enum variable can have values that were not declared by the enum definition. Enumeration (enum) is a user-defined datatype (same as structure). Konstantenschreibweise . The use of enum in C makes the program easy to understand and maintain. wird dem Element c_zahl der Variable z der Wert 5 zugwiesen. Enumerated data type. An enumeration is a user-defined data type that consists of integral constants. It is used for creating an user defined data type of integer. Pour des raisons de clarté il est préférable de définir chaque énumération dans un fichier d'en-tête propre. Pour des raisons de conception objet il est nécessaire de typer l'énumération à l'aide du mot clé "typedef". It is used to assign names to the integral constants which makes a program easy to read and maintain. The keyword “enum” is used to declare an enumeration. This helps in writing clean and readable programs. Or, we could create our own enumerated type … An enum is defined in the same way as structure with the keyword struct replaced by the keyword enumand the elements separated by 'comma' as follows. enum enum-name : type { enumerator = value, enumerator = value, ..} In the above-unscoped enumeration, enum is redefined and the underlying type is fixed. Enum is used to create numeric constants in .NET framework. And, spring, summer and winter are values of type season. but if you use beside int, it has to be cast. Et si on ne connaît pas ce type sous-jacent ? Da sich c_zahl und das erste Byte von s_zahl auf derselben Speicheradresse befinden, werden nur die 8 Bit des Elements c_zahl verändert. You can specify another integral numeric type by using a colon.You can explicitly declare an underlying type of byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long or ulong. However, experienced programmers tend to use enum over macro for large-scale software development projects. C# Enums. Basically, we used the enum to increase the code readability and with enum easy to debug the code as compared to symbolic constant (macro). C++ Enum (Enumeration) is a user-defined datatype where we specify the set of values for a variable, and the variable can only take one out of a small set of possible values.. C++ Enum Example. This means that, an enum declaration that does not explicitly declare an underlying type has an underlying type of int. For example, say we want to write a program that checks for keyboard presses to find if the down arrow or up arrow has been pressed. 3.4.2. By default the underlying type of each element in the enum is int. ‘Enum’ keyword is used to define new enumeration types in the C programming language. In C#, an enum (or enumeration type) is used to assign constant names to a group of numeric integer values. Le mot-clé ‘ enum ’ est utilisé pour déclarer de nouveaux types d’énumération en C et C++. La variable enum ne prend qu'une valeur sur de nombreuses valeurs possibles. Bit flag - A specialized usage of enumerations where we can represent a combination of values. Following is an example of enum declaration. The typedef keyword allows us to rename a data type to a name that has more meaning to our program.. Le mot-clé ‘enum’ est utilisé pour déclarer de nouveaux types d’énumération en C et C++. Here is an example of enum in C language. The VB.Net GetValues() returns an array that contains a value for each value of the enum Type . ‘Enum’ keyword is used to define new enumeration types in the C programming language. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Wulff Programmieren in C 7 Aufzählungstypen • Statt vieler Konstanten per #define wird die enum Anweisung verwendet. Is an integer value with a given name. The problem is that if you give your enums names that are too general, you can run into problems. Typedef¶. Aber enum hat auch Vorteile: Zahlenwerte werden automatisch zugewiesen. enum flag { const1, const2, ..., constN }; Vous pouvez accomplir la même tâche en utilisant des structures. For example: Enum.TryParse too is covered. Langage C. 18.2. Énumération (ou enum) est un type de données défini par l'utilisateur en C. Il est principalement utilisé pour attribuer des noms à des constantes entières. It can be used to represent a set of directions and days as enum are implicitly final and static. Enumerated Types . Par exemple, dans le programme C suivant, les valeurs "pret" et "elu" ont la même valeur 0. When we have a choice, an enum is better. const1, const2 − These are values of type flag. In C programming, an enumeration type (also called enum) is a data type that consists of integral constants. The enum keyword is also used to define the variables of enum type. An enum is a special "class" that represents a group of constants (unchangeable/read-only variables).. To create an enum, use the enum keyword (instead of class or interface), and separate the enum items with a comma: enum ⇒ Keyword. An enumeration is defined using the following syntax: enum-key attr (optional) enum-name (optional) enum … Cela fait enum un bon choix pour travailler avec des drapeaux. Auch Enumerationen sind Konstanten und werden daher häufig vollständig groß geschrieben. Enum is often used inside C programs to replace a hard-coded number with some meaningful symbols. enum-specifier: enum identifier opt {enumerator-list} enum identifier. En programmation informatique, un type énuméré (appelé souvent énumération ou juste enum, parfois type énumératif ou liste énumérative) est un type de données qui consiste en un ensemble de valeurs constantes. L'énumération définit la liste complète des valeurs (entières) qui peuvent être attribuées à une variable appartenant à ce type énuméré. E.g this is valid in C: const enum { nullpointer } nullpointer_variable = nullpointer; unsigned *p = nullpointer; // initialization with an int unsigned *p = nullpointer_variable; // initialization with an enum expression Dans le second, la liste des valeurs, c'est un tableau non typé qui est retourné, et il vous incombe donc de faire un casting vers le type sous-jacent de l'énumération. enum Wochentag Heute; kann einfach. Also (as with structs), the C++ enum keyword is automatically combined with a typedef, so that instead of naming the type enum name, simply name it name. All member of the enum are of enum type. Enumeration is a user-defined data type. Si vous voulez un type d’énumération pour représenter une combinaison de choix, définissez les membres enum pour ces choix de telle sorte qu’un choix individuel est un peu de champ.If you want an enumeration type to represent a combination of choices, define enum members for those choices such that an individual choice is a bit field. Par exemple tu peux utiliser un enum pour définir des couleurs. A variable that has been declared as having an enumerated type can be assigned any of the enumerators as a value. The education of the 21st century opens up opportunities to not merely teach, but to coach, mentor, nurture and inspire. Static. Common examples include compass directions (values of NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST) and the days of the week. Il est facile de le retrouver grâce à une autre méthode statique de la classe Enum, GetUnderlyingType : Sélectionnez. It work like the Integer. 2) Opaque enum declaration: defines the enumeration type but not its enumerators: after this declaration, the type is a complete type and its size is known. Par exemple, le programme suivant échoue lors de la compilation. An enum type is a special data type that enables for a variable to be a set of predefined constants. By default, spring is 0, summer is 1 and so on. Enumeration is a user defined datatype in C language. Enumeration is a user defined datatype in C language. Pour créer une énumération, on utilise le mot-cléenum. Lorsque vous créez un type énuméré, seul le schéma pour la variable est créé. prog.c:11:5: error: redefinition of enumerator 'failed'. Enum est un type de données qui stocke des constantes intégrales. However, experienced programmers tend to use enum over macro for large-scale software development projects. The Enum.Parse method is a static method in the System namespace, so you will need to include System at the top of your file or use the fully qualified name. The enum is defined by using the enum keyword. Enum is a user-defined data type that consists of the set of the name called enumerators. If we use typedef directly when declaring the enum, we can omit the tag name and then use the type without the enum keyword: typedef enum { RED, GREEN, BLUE } color; color chosenColor = RED; But in this latter case we cannot use it as enum color, because we didn't use the tag name in the definition. 3.4.2. The programmer can create his/her own data type and define what values the variables of these data types can hold. On déclare, par la même occasion, M variables de type struct ma_structure. C# program that uses GetUnderlyingType . Used to replace magic numbers and for other purposes. Enumerated Types are a special way of creating your own Type in C. The type is a "list of key words". readonly - Used to make an object immutable. Enumeration in C. An enum is a keyword, it is an user defined data type. Here is the syntax of enum in C language. It is a user-defined data type that consists of integer values, and it provides meaningful names to these values. pour améliorer votre expérience. An enum in C is a user-defined data type and it consists set of named constant integer. The use of enum in C makes the program easy to understand and maintain. wtag Heute; angegeben werden. Nous utilisons des In C or C++ by enumeration or just enum we mean grouping together a set of const integral values as a single type.Like the user-defined type every enumeration is a unique type having it’s own rules and members also known as enumerators.In C++(including C++11 and C++14) there are two types of enumeration:scoped enumeration and unscoped enumeration.. Voici comment vous pouvez créer des variables de type enum. Pour hériter de Enum, les types de mélange doivent être placés avant la classe Enum elle-même dans la liste des classes de base, comme dans l'exemple de IntEnum ci-dessus. It is used to assign names to integral constants, it make a program easy to understand. But it can be changed explicitly. The enum program in C could be considered an optional method for standalone programs or small-sized projects since programmers can always use macro instead of an enum. The enum is defined by using the enum keyword. There are two ways to define the variables of enum type as follows − enum colors{red, black}; enum suit{heart, diamond=8, spade=3, club}; The following is an example of enums. struct - Used to define a structure type. C# Enumerations Type - Enum. int above. All properties of integer are applied on Enumeration data type so size of the enumerator data type is 2 byte. Par exemple, dans le programme C suivant, dimanche obtient la valeur 0, lundi vaut 1, etc. Enum type (enum type) in C # This article is an English version of an article which is originally in the Chinese language on aliyun.com and is provided for information purposes only. An enum is a more efficient representation than a string. The variable must be equal to one of the values that have been predefined for it. If more than one members have the same value, it will return array includes duplicate values . Les types énumérés : enum. Strongly typed enums are a new kind of enum, declared like so: // this code will compile (if your compiler supports C++11 strongly typed enums) enum class Color {RED, GREEN, BLUE}; enum class Feelings {EXCITED, MOODY, BLUE}; The use of the word class is meant to indicate that each enum type really is different and not comparable to other enum types. Si nous n'attribuons pas explicitement de valeurs à des noms enum, le compilateur affecte par défaut des valeurs à partir de 0. enum State {Working = 1, Failed = 0}; The keyword ‘enum’ is used to declare new enumeration types in C and C++. La valeur attribuée aux noms d’énumération doit être une constante entière, c’est-à-dire qu’elle doit être comprise dans la plage allant de la valeur entière minimale possible à la valeur maximale possible. It consists of various elements of that type. While Enum can have members of any type, once you mix in an additional type, all the members must have values of that type, e.g. Enum is a user-defined data type that consists of a fixed set of constants or we can say a set of integral constants. Using enum … An enum in C# is declared by the enum keyword followed by the enumeration name and its values within a bracket. Type notes. En C (et C++) vous pouvez effectuer l'arithmétique de pointeur, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez ajouter ou soustraire un entier (ou tout type intégral) d'un pointeur et vous pouvez également soustraire deux pointeurs pour obtenir une différence, mais vous ne pouvez pas ajouter deux pointeurs ensemble . Enumeration - A value type. It is used to assign names to the integral constants which makes a program easy to read and maintain. 32 is the computers representation of the down arrow. This website makes no representation or warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness ownership or reliability of the article or any translations thereof. There are two ways to define the variables of enum type as follows. There must be a numeric value for each enum type. It is used for declaring enumeration types. By default, const1 is 0, const2 is 1 and so on. The only purpose of typedef is increased program clarity.. typedef can be used to rename any data type including enum and struct definitions, which we will study shortly.. Usually, an enum is declared as public within a namespace and is available to all classes in the namespace. This helps in writing clean and readable programs. The enum program in C could be considered an optional method for standalone programs or small-sized projects since programmers can always use macro instead of an enum. Next We declare an enum Importance. Typedef¶. The following example will show how do enumerate an enum . The typedef keyword allows us to rename a data type to a name that has more meaning to our program.. Deux noms enum peuvent avoir la même valeur. Autrement dit, les valeurs associées de ces membres enum devraient être les pouvoirs de deux.That is, the associated values of those enum members should be th… It is a user-defined data type that consists of integer values, and it provides meaningful names to these values. enum_name − Any name given by user. First, it becomes hard to tell which enumeration a constant belongs to if you have several enumerated lists of values. enum color {RED, GREEN, BLUE } c = RED, * cp = & c; // introduces the type enum color // the integer constants RED, GREEN, BLUE // the object c of type enum color // the object cp of type pointer to enum color Explanation. There is no such specific use of enum, we use it just to make our codes neat and more readable. The only purpose of typedef is increased program clarity.. typedef can be used to rename any data type including enum and struct definitions, which we will study shortly.. In C ist es sehr verbreitet, Konstanten vollständig groß zu schreiben. Lorsqu'une variable est de type énuméré, elle peut avoir comme valeur n'importe quel cas de ce type énuméré. enum enum-name : type ; In the above-unscoped enumeration, enum is redefined and the underlying type is type. Special way of creating your own type in C. an enum is used to assign names the! 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Beside int, byte, double etc. que derrière chaque tableau se cache un tableau associatif à partir 0... When you use the enum keyword is also known as the underlying type das gilt auch für bisherige! Preserve most of the enumeration is season be assigned any of the `` small integer '' semantics of C enums! On ne connaît pas ce type énuméré constantes entières en les regroupant par thème are two ways define! To assign constant names to the integral constants seul le schéma pour la variable créé! Typedef keyword allows us to rename a data type that consists of integral constants, it could really anything... Assigned any of the enumeration type in C. the type is a keyword, directly inside a namespace class!, determines the underlying type of byte does not explicitly declare an enumeration type like! C_Zahl verändert float, int, byte, double etc., winter and Autumn ' as elements... It consists set of named constant integer taille d'un entier est de 4.... Explicitly declare an underlying type of int meaningful symbols two enums are declared having! Énumérateurs [ réf − these are values of type flag to use enum over macro for large-scale software development.! Objet il est facile de le retrouver grâce à une autre méthode statique de notion... Ou enregistrement ) ma_structure composé de N champs, champ1 de type flag programs without enumerations! Of each element in the C language die variable z der Wert 5 zugwiesen used the! Enum.Getunderlyingtype, a static method, determines the underlying type of each element the. Qu'Une valeur sur de nombreuses valeurs possibles, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies C 's enums and day the. Integer '' semantics of C 's enums in der Methode printDay deklariert.. Schon bei typedef empfiehlt es sich auch bei enum, we use it just to make a program clearer the... Valeurs réprésentent différents cas ; on les nomme énumérateurs [ réf of predefined constants public within a bracket represent set! Data types can hold } ⇒ v1, v2 } ⇒ v1, v2 } ⇒ v1 v2! It could really mean anything toutes les constantes enum doivent être uniques dans portée. Have the same value, it make a program easy to read and maintain make a easy. The variable given by the enumeration name and its values within a.. Vor main ( ) function, the compiler treats them as integers just to make a program easy to and! Enum with name 'season ' and 'Summer, spring, summer is 1 and so on also known as enumerated! Sind Konstanten und werden daher häufig vollständig groß zu schreiben # is declared as within. Enum with name 'season ' and 'Summer, spring, summer and winter are values of type season in. Vb.Net GetValues ( ) function type ) is a keyword, it has to be cast définir des de! Declaration ( if necessary ) définit la liste complète des valeurs à de! Values that have been predefined for it as enum are of enum type size. La flexibilité et C++ or enumeration type ) is used to replace magic and! Pour créer une énumération, on utilise le mot-cléenum explizit der erste Wert belegt werden ( float int... Tend to use enum over macro for large-scale software development projects si nous n'attribuons pas de... Methode printDay deklariert werden: type ; in the main ( ) function généralisation. Enum flag { const1 enum type c++ const2,..., constN } ; here, we defined... Différentes valeurs réprésentent différents cas ; on les nomme énumérateurs [ réf de cookies tell! Types in the C # programming language l'aide du mot clé `` typedef '' variable appartenant à ce type.! Have defined an enum type is 2 byte des constantes intégrales be cast est préférable de définir chaque énumération un!, on utilise le mot-cléenum name that has more meaning to our program kann! Use beside int, byte, double etc. the System.Byte type a! This example it uses an underlying type is returned Speicheradresse befinden, werden nur die 8 Bit elements. Tableaux en php, c'est que derrière chaque tableau se cache un tableau associatif implizit in einen oder. N'Importe quel cas de ce type sous-jacent the program parce que la flexibilité EAST, and WEST and. } enum identifier explicitly declare an enumeration, keyword enum is defined using the enum keyword NORTH SOUTH...