Batman reveals himself to Gordon and carries the bomb out over the bay, saving the city.All material owned by Warner Bros. For entertainment purposes only.Bu. He returns and helps Jim Gordon defeat Mr. Bloom and shut down the reactor. The terrorist regime begins to hunt down free police officers, and any chance of Gordon becoming a city-wide resistance leader was ruined with the televised speech. While Dent holds Gordon's son at gunpoint, Jim pleads relentlessly to have him let his son go while Batman arrives to negotiate with him. Gordon and his men are taken before the kangaroo court, and given the choice by Crane between exile or death, Gordon chooses death. The endless reinforcement of egalitarianism throughout the controlled culture means that to a great extent, every […] Commissioner Gordon appears as a supporting character in Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure. He had a brief, but memorable part in the theatrical cut, which was expanded . However, after a sting operation gone wrong that caused Batman to kill most of his team . Let me tell you the truth about Harvey Dent from the words of Gotham's police commissioner, James Gordon. While Gotham has seen a turn for the better over the past eight years, Gordon's life has seen a turn for the worse. Worse still, explosives surrounding the tunnels go off, trapping most of the GCPD underground. Gordon doesn't just legitimize Batman, he legitimizes the police. Over the years, Batman has accumulated many allies in his never ending battle against the worst Gotham has to offer. Inside this quiz book are 100 questions spanning the ten most recognizable of them. In the meantime, Gordon receives a phone call from Harvey Dent, who went on a killing spree of corrupt cops and mobsters, and now has Gordon's family hostage at the site of Rachel's' death. He may need to call an old friend for assistance. "It was the Batman." In the beginning of The Dark Knight Rises, Batman has disappeared since night of Harvey Dent's death, but when Commissioner Gordon was attacked and hospitalized, Detective John Blake confronted Bruce Wayne and asked him to return as Batman. Death Locket . Found inside – Page 121... in The Dark Knight Returns; Bruce cryptically informs Commissioner Gordon that they have not spoken for seven years. ... center of the Batcave), died, and because Batman feels responsible for Todd's death, he retired ten years ago. Batman flies the bomb out of Gotham's range and seemingly sacrifices himself in the explosion. Lt. James Gordon: Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. John Blake, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, made it clear to Commissioner James Gordon that he wasn't planning on returning to the police force following the events of The Dark Knight Rises.He . Found inside – Page 171... The Dark Knight Rises features a few major middle-class characters, notably Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman) and ... as a part of Rā's al Ghūl's plan to eliminate corruption and environmental damage through death and destruction. Play as the legendary Dark Knight and Commissioner Gordon, as well as the Joker and his goons as they chase down Harvey Dent's police escort. Batman then proceeded to tell Gordon who he was along with the fact that Gordon himself inspired him with a simple act of kindness. While Dent assures them this not what he wants, it's what he thinks is fair. Joker convinces Dent to take his frustration out on those responsible for Rachel's death, convincing him that he simply does things without cause or reason and that it was Gordon's corrupted cops and the mob bosses that had the nerve to unleash his plans onto the world. Bat-Fans will recognize Simmons as Commissioner Gordon from Justice League. He notices Foley is absent from the storeroom; enraged, he goes to Foley's house and pleads his second-in-command to help him, but Foley, demoralized and terrified for his family's safety, refuses. Rachel eventually meets with Gordon on the island and gives him the antidote for the fear toxin, given to her by Batman after saving her. Found insideA mob of hoods, mercs, and escaped prisoners—many of whom Gordon was personally responsible for putting behind bars—crowded the former stock exchange, ... “More than you gave Harvey's prisoners, commissioner. ... to be—death or exile? Collecting BATMAN: DARK VICTORY #0-13, this epic continues the story of THE LONG HALLOWEEN. With the newly installed Dent Act, any criminal connected to the Mob, regardless of their wealth or power, is imprisoned, denied parole, and denied the right to file an insanity plea, effectively wiping out organized crime in Gotham. While the Joker is in prison, his thugs, both inside agents in Gordon's unit, then kidnap Dent and Rachel Dawes, Dent's girlfriend and Wayne's love interest, and take them to two separate locations rigged with bombs and tubs of gasoline. The Dark Knight Rises is a 2012 superhero film directed by Christopher Nolan, who co-wrote the screenplay with his brother Jonathan Nolan, and the story with David S. Goyer. Super) as Barbara Gordon, daughter of Gotham's Police Commissioner Jim Gordon . ALL SCENES ARE FROM THE FF: Warner Bros. Entertainment DC EntertainmentAll Rights Resered 2008 Harvey Dent : [on TV] I don't know about Mr. Lau's travel arrangements, but I'm sure glad he's here. Bane is angry at the two thugs for bringing the police commissioner to his headquarters and he kills one of them. He looks to the sky for that familiar sign - perhaps he wasn't on his own, after all. He finds newfound hope though in the appearance of Batman, who he soon begins to work with to finally clean up the streets of Gotham and give it the peace that it was overdue to have for decades. Gordon addressing the people of Gotham at Harvey Dent's memorial eight years later in The Dark Knight Rises. The Dark Knight: Commissioner Gordon Gary Oldman is so good as Commission Gordon that you don't really notice him at all. Gordon's men seize an armed pickup truck belonging to the mercenaries and use it to fire on the bomb truck. At a ceremony of the 8th year aniversary of the death of Harvey Dent, it is revealed that Gordon wants to admit to the people that Batman was not responsible for the death of Harvey Dent. In what I believe to be his most underrated character, Oldman is the consistent voice of reason . Bane then releases all the prisoners convicted by the Dent Act and incites his men and civilian mobs to brutally drag all the rich and powerful from their homes and perform mass convictions on them in a kangaroo court headed by Dr. Jonathan Crane (the two known sentences are death and exile). Ra's' men then orchestrate a massive breakout at Arkham Asylum, forcing Gordon to raise the bridges once all the riot police are on the island with him and attempts to apprehend the convicts. (73) $110.00. Gordon is able to get Reese to safety with the unexpected help of Bruce Wayne and orders his units to get over to Gotham General when he hears the explosion. The dark hero believes that Gordon's corrupt police partner, Arnold Flass, knows more and leaves when he hears Gordon voice his reluctant belief that Batman is truly trying to help. At the other location, Gordon is not able to save Rachel and she is killed when the building explodes. It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known. He immeidately acquiesces to Harvey's demands because . Found inside – Page 239... Commissioner Gordon that, in order to reward the faith of the citizens of Gotham and retain hope for the future, Batman himself should be assigned the blame for the deaths caused by Dent. Hence, he becomes the reviled Dark Knight at ... While Lau refuses to hand over the money, he promises to testify against all his clients in exchange for immunity, protection, and a charted flight back to Hong Kong. They can only watch in horror as Bane's plans unravel. . The criminal has committed an armed robbery and double homicide, with an apparent taste for theatrics, leaving a calling card: a Joker playing card. Assuming the blame for the death of D.A. Batman gives Gordon a device that can block the remote detonator signal to the bomb (the EMP guidance mount from the Bat), and instructs him to get it onto the bomb before sunrise, since Batman plans to lead the trapped police officers in an all-out assault on Bane's headquarters. Jumping at the chance for some action, Gordon arrives at the scene with Foley only to find the SWAT team engaged in a firefight with some gunmen in an alley adjacent to the bar. Found inside – Page 37At the end of The Dark Knight, Commissioner Gordon presides over his funeral services. Gordon gives specificity to the script he and ... Gordon tells them only what they (allegedly) need to know, that Dent's death meant something. While Gordon simply believes the man to be "just some nut", he later starts to take him seriously when he arrives on the scene of Carmine Falcone's capture at one of his drug shipment locations. Batman Trilogy (Particularly The Dark Knight Rises) (2005-2012) In his recurring role as police commissioner Jim Gordon in Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy, Oldman revels playing a rare hero after a long run of homicidal misfits and manic freaks. In The Dark Knight Rises, Gordon's immense admiration for Batman leads him to feel incredibly guilty for condemning the man responsible for saving his family and city and has to glorify a madman to give the people hope. Dent falls to the ground, breaking his neck and getting killed in the process, but Batman holds onto the building's siding and hands Gordon's son back before the police storm the location. His mouth has already gotten him into trouble, and he's been here less than 5 minutes. Gordon decides that he can no longer live with his lie and writes a speech for the ceremony. Gordon remembers in shock who that young boy was: Bruce Wayne. Gordon asks Blake to help get him in front of a camera so that Gordon could try to lead the people of Gotham against Bane. Commissioner Gordon once again works well in this movie, this time as someone who is trying hard to keep the streets clean while also being haunted by the choice he made at the end of The Dark Knight. Commissioner James Gordon is a Batman minifigure that appeared in LEGO Batman: The Videogame. 4,516 words Conservatism's League of Stupidity The egalitarian Left isn't just evil - it's boring. Found inside – Page 152After Harvey Dent, having been driven mad through the loss of Rachel Dawes and his traumatic defacing, becomes Two-Face, he preys on those who are implicated in her death. When Batman, to save Commissioner Gordon's son, knocks Dent off ... As Batman prepares to leave with in the Bat with the bomb in tow, Gordon finally asks the hero who he really is so the people can know who saved the city. While Bane is reading the speech, Gordon manages to escape by rolling over and falling into an open pipe. Batman realizes that his only choice is to fly the bomb away from Gotham so that it blows up in a safe location. Batman and Robin This 15-chapter serial pits Batman and Robin against The Wizard, who uses a device that allows him to control machinery to hold the city hostage. Review: Justice League Darkseid War Batman #1. Although he does not condone vigilantes at first, Gordon sees that it is necessary to operate outside of laws in the crime-filled Gotham City, especially since most echelons of Gotham's police department are mired in corruption. 1 Biography. His murders were blamed on Batman so instead of truthful chaos in Gotham, for the last 8 years Gotham has lived in untruthful peace thanks to the pact. Gordon appears in Batman: Gotham Knight. The Chechen : I put word out. On the eighth anniversary of Harvey Dent's death, a memorial ceremony (funded by the Wayne Foundation) is held at Wayne Manor in Dent's honor. © 2021 Dystopian ~ Design based on modified 'Shadows' theme by, The Dark Knight Rises – Commissioner Jim Gordon. 1 in 25 limited retailer incentive cover. He promotes John Blake to detective while he is injured. Commissioner Jim Gordon is the world weary but utterly incorruptible police officer who battles tirelessly to keep Gotham from falling into the abyss. Gordon then readies ferries to transport citizens away from the city and uses one to transport the mob's imprisoned men away as well, fearing that they may all be working for Joker. Batman then goes rescuing the hostages, stops the SWAT team from killing the wrong people, and faces Joker in a final showdown. The scene I have chosen to analyze from The Dark Knight is the final scene of the movie where Batman caused the fall that killed Harvey Dent. Unfortunately, they lack the means to identify which truck actually contains the bomb and they fail to make any progress in identifying the triggerman (Gordon concludes that the triggerman must be Bane himself). This unauthorized comparison of Batman's values with Christianity is an interesting take on the Dark Knight and shows that he has many qualities worthy of imitation in our daily Christian walk. Commissioner Gordon wishes to know who Batman is, so the city can know who this masked hero is. Gordon watches the televised newscast from his hospital bed with renewed hope. Found insideThe Dark Knight Rises gives us the answer as clear as day. ... Of course, many of the elites choose exile, hoping to avoid death. But then Commissioner Gordon appears in front of the judge and defiantly chooses death. Elated and relieved, Gordon ignites the fuse and throws it onto the trail of gasoline, revealing a giant, fiery Batsignal painted on the bridge. Found insideChristopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy Batman Begins (2005) – This did something different by placing the ... turns the “white knight” politician Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) into a twisted vigilante, Batman and Commissioner Gordon ... While Gordon initially refuses because he has too much respect and gratitude towards Batman for all that he has done for him and his city, he knows that Batman is right and eventually agrees. In Batman Begins , we first meet Gordon as he comforts a young Bruce Wayne, still in shock that his parents have been murdered. It has been eight years since Batman vanished into the night, turning, in that instant, from hero to fugitive. Gordon then calls off his ambush and refocuses his forces' attention on securing every hospital in Gotham, especially Gotham General, where Harvey Dent is held. Watching the broadcast from Blake's apartment, Blake scolds Gordon for his part in the Dent coverup; Gordon angrily tries to defend himself by saying he had no choice, given the circumstances of the time, and he was grateful he had a friend like Batman to take the fall. As Gotham goes into a further state of panic, trying to kill Reese to save their loved ones in any of the potentially bomb rigged hospitals, Joker takes advantage of the hospitals' evacuations to get to Dent, disguised as a female nurse, and murdering a nurse and two police officers in the process. Found inside – Page 86Dark Knight” The seventh theme is about the Joker's sociopathic personality which is displayed by he acts that follow. ... by innocent citizens, the other is packed with criminals that Harvey Dent and Commissioner Gordon put away. Batman refuses to believe it to be so simple with the Joker and makes Gordon give him several minutes alone to assess the situation himself. For a time the lie worked, as criminal activity in Gotham City was crushed under the weight of the anti-crime Dent Act. As he has his officers contact the Mayor's office for approval of this action, Joker broadcasts another message to Gotham, telling them that the city will be under his complete control by nightfall and anyone left will play by his rules. Bruce Wayne: What if he doesn’t exist any more? Batman mentions that the mask is a symbol, that anyone can be etc. As a huge part of Batman mythos, it wasn't a surprise that he made his way to big-screen via the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy. The Dark Knight Rises is a 2012 superhero film directed by Christopher Nolan, who co-wrote the screenplay with his brother Jonathan Nolan, and the story with David S. Goyer. Turns out that "death" and "exile" were the same thing: walk across the frozen river to the safety of the mainland while trying not to fall through the ice. Batgirl scribe Gail Simone (SECRET SIX) and gifted artists Fernando Pasarin (GREEN LANTERN CORPS) and Daniel Sampere (TRINITY OF SIN: PANDORA) take Batgirl and Commissioner Gordon down their darkest road yet in BATGIRL: WANTED. Later that night at his headquarters, Gordon is approached by John Blake, a young police officer with a strong sense of idealism, who informs him that a Congressman who attended the ceremony apparently never made it home. Orphaned child. Jim Gordon on his predecessor, the heroic figure on whom the city depends: Jim Gordon: I knew Harvey Dent. In Batman Begins , we first meet Gordon as he comforts a young Bruce Wayne, still in shock that his parents have been murdered. The two thugs bring him to their leader: Bane, a terrorist mastermind affiliated with the League of Shadows. Jones and his men are unaware of the bomb's failing condition, so Gordon sends them and Blake to talk with Lucius Fox. When the Joker gets through on the phone lines, he proclaims that his ultimatum against Batman was simply a ruse for the hero and makes a threat to Mr. Reese and all of Gotham; if Reese isn't dead in 60 minutes, then Joker will blow up a hospital. Found inside – Page 33... makes no appearance in The Dark Knight Returns : Bruce cryptically informs Commissioner Gordon that they have not ... center of the Batcave ) died , and because Batman feels responsible for Todd's death , he retired ten years ago . He is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Rachel Dawes) of Batman Begins, the deuteragonist of The Dark Knight, and the tritagonist of The Dark Knight Rises. Blake takes his warning to heart and eventually decides to relay the message to Bruce Wayne himself. Crime in the city was starting to die down as escaped convicts were recaptured, but Gordon never intended to be caught off-guard again, especially now that he was on his own. Darker Than Death' finale! Nothing will prepare you for the twist in this tale of intrigue and kidnapping that could compromise even the Batman! Get the information you need--fast! This comprehensive guide offers a thorough view of key knowledge and detailed insight. It's all you need. Here's part of the content - you would like to know it all? Delve into this book today! The film stars Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne / Batman, alongside Michael . However, just as Gordon is about to read his speech aloud to the ceremony guests, he decides not to read it, fearing that it would undo eight years of hard-earned peace. He also orders Blake to further investigate the Dagget leads by any means possible. Found inside – Page 112The Dark Knight Rises will always be linked to the tragic movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado. ... Later on, Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman) is looking at a map of Gotham, and at the bottom-left corner of the map are the words ... In TDKR, Gordon is in a hosptal for a majority of the time. Found insideIn this regard, Osborn/Green Goblin's death is comparable to the death of Dark Phoenix/Jean Grey, whose lust for power ... Barbara is not only shot, but stripped naked and photographed in agony so as to drive Commissioner Gordon insane. Found inside – Page 114Highlights from the History of The Dark Knight Robert Greenberger ... Perhaps the one friend Bruce Wayne has is Wayne Enterprises CEO Lucius Fox, while Batman Gordon as his sole can count Commissioner nonpowered friend. He is voiced by Jim Meskimen. Commissioner Gordon: The people ought to know the hero who saved them! They inform him that, because the bomb's fuel cells deteriorate over time, it would detonate in a few months. Commissioner Gordon appears in Batman: Dark Tomorrow, voiced by Ron McLarty. Batman: Anyone can be a hero, even a man who did something so simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy’s shoulders, to let him know the world hadn’t ended. 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