This is evidenced by several studies using glatiramer acetate (GA) vaccination to change the dominant phenotype of CNS-infiltrating T cells. PLoS One (2015) 10:e0116644. Dombrowski Y, O’Hagan T, Dittmer M, Penalva R, Mayoral SR, Bankhead P, et al. We would like to thank Thijs Crommentuijn and Lynn van Olst at VU University Medical Center (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) for their critical reading and fruitful discussion. YK was inolvend in the overall supervision of the review and editing of the manuscript. Monsonego A, Imitola J, Petrovic S, Zota V, Nemirovsky A, Baron R, et al. Increased T cell reactivity to amyloid. Reactive microglia in patients with senile dementia of the Alzheimer type are positive for the histocompatibility glycoprotein HLA-DR. Neurosci Lett (1987) 79:195–200. Figure 1. Lymphocytic activation through the antigen presentation process involves three main signals, the first provided by the engagement of major histocompatibility complex molecules (MHC) with the receptor of T-cells (TCR), the second by the binding of co-stimulatory molecules and the third by the secretion or expression of T-cell polarising molecules in specific populations of antigen ⦠The book is divided into six chapters. It includes discussions on the organization and modulation of cell membrane receptors, as well as the origin and expression of membrane antigens. This finding is substantiated by transcriptomics analysis of CD11c+ microglia isolated from a mouse model of AD (61). Microglia express low levels of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, that are responsible for antigen presentation at steady-state, but rapidly induce de novo MHC expression when they are activated in disease conditions, including MS. The context in which this book exists is that there is an increasing perception that modern MR methodologies should be more extensively employed in clinical trials to derive innovative information. Found insideThe new eighth edition incorporates much new information, new illustrations and many new authors, while retaining the depth, breadth and quality of content so praised in previous editions. Blood (2007) 109:4320–7. Neurobiol Aging (1988) 9:339–49. J Immunol (2012) 188:3042–52. Glia (2016) 64:407–24. Additionally, CR3, TREM2, CD200R, CX3CR1, and DC-SIGN suppress microglia and APC-mediated T cell activation, with a central role assigned to DAP12. CD33 Alzheimer’s disease locus: altered monocyte function and amyloid biology. Nat Clin Pract Neurol (2008) 4:384–98. Microglia and macrophages are two phagocytic cell types that found in the Central Nervous System (CNS). Somewhat surprisingly, it was shown that microglia with this phenotype were less capable of suppressing T cell proliferation in an Apoe-dependent manner. Found insideThirty-five years ago, when Stephen Kuffler and his colleagues at Harvard initiated a new era of research on the properties and functions of neuroglial cells, very few neuro scientists were impressed at the time with the hypothesis that ... doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.111.613182, 73. doi:10.1016/j.clim.2013.04.010, 28. Of all forms of dementia, AD is the most prevalent form, characterized by accumulation of the self-antigen amyloid β, widespread microglial activation, and neuronal loss. Conversely, MHCII-KO animals that receive WT BM have MHCII− microglia and MHCII+ APCs. Adaptive immune neuroprotection in G93A-SOD1 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mice. doi:10.1038/nn.4610, 82. Here, we review recent findings that unite these shifted paradigms of microglial functioning, antigen presentation, and CNS-directed T cell activation, focusing on common neurodegenerative diseases. Found insideBased on pathogenesis, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies are discussed for each clinical category. The book will be invaluable for use in clinical practice of neuroimmune diseases Keren-Shaul H, Spinrad A, Weiner A, Matcovitch-Natan O, Dvir-Szternfeld R, Ulland TK, et al. Rogers J, Luber-Narod J, Styren SD, Civin WH. Pisa D, Alonso R, Rábano A, Rodal I, Carrasco L. Different brain regions are infected with fungi in Alzheimer’s disease. Found inside"Mechanisms of Neuroinflammation" book explains how the neuronal cells become swollen at the moment of the blood-brain barrier disruption and how they lose their immunological isolation. Concerted changes in transcripts in the prefrontal cortex precede neuropathology in Alzheimer’s disease. Surprisingly, their role in the CNS has been ill defined, especially considering their widespread overexpression in murine models of neurodegeneration. Furthermore, the immunological dynamics of a human lifetime including systemic inflammation and commensal microbiota are known to impact the total immune system and may be causal to disease onset. 3, The adaptive immune system restrains Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis by modulating microglial function. The initiation of T cell-mediated adaptive immune responses against CNS-derived antigens relies mostly on antigen drainage to DCs in adjoining structures like the choroid plexus, the leptomeningeal spaces, and the deep cervical lymph nodes (6). doi:10.1038/jid.2010.127, 74. Ito H, Hamerman JA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2016) 113:E1316–25. What sets the CNS apart from peripheral tissues is the lack of a parenchymal DC that takes up local antigen and migrates to draining lymph nodes for presentation, instead relying on antigen drainage to DCs outside the brain. Schafer DP, Lehrman EK, Kautzman AG, Koyama R, Mardinly AR, Yamasaki R, et al. Baruch K, Rosenzweig N, Kertser A, Deczkowska A, Sharif AM. A crucial effector element of the adaptive immune system, the T cell, has been known for its destructive role in MS. antigen presentation, phagocytic activity, cell migration and prolif-eration (Weichhart et al, 2008; Jones and Pearce, 2017). doi:10.1007/s11060-015-1849-3, 84. Parachikova A, Agadjanyan MG, Cribbs DH, Blurton-Jones M, Perreau V, Rogers J, et al. Where the acute inflammatory network was significantly enriched for NF-κB signaling, the primed microglia profile contained key features related to phagosome, lysosome, antigen presentation, and AD signaling. Perry VH, Nicoll JAR, Holmes C. Microglia in neurodegenerative disease. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116644, 66. This comprehensive volume contains 62 chapters grouped into 11 sections: T-cells, Immune Receptors, Antigen Presentation/Dendritic Cells, Cytokines, Immunodeficiencies, Autoimmunity, Allergy/Inflammation, Immunotherapy, Vaccines, Tumor ... Hamza TH, Zabetian CP, Tenesa A, Laederach A, Montimurro J, Yearout D, et al. doi:10.1073/pnas.0604681103, 105. Kipnis J, Avidan H, Caspi RR, Schwartz M. Dual effect of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in neurodegeneration: a dialogue with microglia. hT�z�V�%
���B� ���:��cu��c^"b�b$;TT�CT���`���H���n�3�E�� Whether the antigen presented by MHCII+ microglia is immunogenic for reactive CD4+ T cells during neurodegeneration remains unknown. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 103:5048–53. Another mechanism that involves microglial sampling of neurons is the glycosylation of myelin. T helper-17 activation dominates the immunologic milieu of both amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and progressive multiple sclerosis. CR3 additionally binds iC3b which covalently binds weak synapses and debris as a signal for elimination and phagocytosis (51). Yeast zymosan, a stimulus for TLR2 and dectin-1, induces regulatory antigen-presenting cells and immunological tolerance. SS was involved in the writing, reading literature, design of the figure. Interestingly, regulatory T cells pre-exposed to microglia were able to reduce neuronal death in organotypic hippocampal slices (11). doi:10.1073/pnas.1525466113, 97. Most notably, the generated T cell response against CNS antigens leads to attenuated microglial activation in all of these studies. Brain-resident microglia predominate over infiltrating myeloid cells in activation, phagocytosis and interaction with T-lymphocytes in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson disease. • MHCII+ microglia and CD4+ T cells accumulate during chronic neurodegeneration and reciprocally shape pathology. Expression of immune system-associated antigens by cells of the human central nervous system: relationship to the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease. Cell (2016) 160:1061–71. Regulatory T cells promote myelin regeneration in the central nervous system. We delineate the concept of MHC class II-mediated antigen presentation during chronic neurodegeneration, with a focus on MHCII+ microglia and the reactivation of CNS-specific T cells in the brain parenchyma. Tissue-resident macrophages originate from yolk-sac-derived erythro-myeloid progenitors. Microglial activation milieu controls regulatory T cell responses. Sci Rep (2015) 5:15015. doi:10.1038/srep15015, 76. Ransohoff RM. In a recent elegant study, Krasemann and colleagues have demonstrated a Trem2-Apoe pathway that instructs a disease-associated microglial phenotype after phagocytosis of apoptotic neurons (48). MHC class II (MHC-II) molecules are critical in the control of many immune responses. Encephalitogenic T cells can be primed to enter the CNS parenchyma by leptomeningeal phagocytes, lung-resident DCs, and choroid plexus APCs (6). As a result, T cells are able to infiltrate the CNS and affect immunological equilibrium in both a pathogenic and supportive manner (5). Shechter R, London A, Schwartz M. Orchestrated leukocyte recruitment to immune-privileged sites: absolute barriers versus educational gates. Secreted osteopontin has been shown to affect intracranial T cell phenotype by inhibiting the release of IL-27 (79), sustaining the survival of CNS-reactive T cells and inducing a Th17 phenotype through CD44 expressed by infiltrating T cells (80). Here, we review recent studies that provide evidence for involvement of both T cell and microglia as a response to neurodegenerative disease. GA immunization generates a CNS-reactive T cell response that is protective in mouse models of neuronal injury (102), MS (103), AD (104), and PD (105). Endogenous regulatory T lymphocytes ameliorate amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in mice and correlate with disease progression in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Several studies have therefore tried to investigate which type of T cell is involved, which function it performs and how it affects pathogenesis. Depboylu C, Stricker S, Ghobril JP, Oertel WH, Priller J, Höglinger GU. In EAE, the pathology depends mostly on CD4+ T cells and their phenotype is mostly Th1 and Th17, reflecting the pro-inflammatory pathology of MS. At the same time, regulatory T cells seem to be defective and incapable of suppressing effector T cells in EAE (14). Microglia isolated from models of neurodegeneration with this same damage-associated phenotype have recently been shown to directly affect antigen-specific T cell proliferation in vitro (48). Dendritic cell-HIL (encoded by Gpnmb), ILT3 (encoded by Lilrb4), and PD-1 (encoded by Pdcd1) are mainly described as immunosuppressive modulators of adaptive immunity. Eur J Immunol (2012) 42:176–85. doi:10.1073/pnas.191118298, 25. ALS patients’ regulatory T lymphocytes are dysfunctional, and correlate with disease progression rate and severity. Immig K, Gericke M, Menzel F, Merz F, Krueger M, Schiefenhövel F, et al. Nat Rev Immunol (2017) 17:179–94. Microglia react to counteract any disturbances in immunological homeostasis to protect neurons with a limited capacity to regenerate. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.0803982, 98. ���A ��Z#Y� �:aUޱ�@h�{؎�˫^�P
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J�W��ߐJW��+,׀���=��TX�+� �ڻ��O �Ǧ�{cI��p� �����Y����y�#�å�ێ0k�4; Microglia highly express the C-type lectin dectin-1 (encoded by Clec7a) and recognition of fungal β-glucans by dectin-1 represses cytokine production (74). The MPTP toxin kills dopaminergic neurons and destroys the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway, mimicking PD pathology. Butovsky O, Koronyo-Hamaoui M, Kunis G, Ophir E, Landa G, Cohen H, et al. Immunity (2013) 39:949–62. Infiltrating monocytes trigger EAE progression, but do not contribute to the resident microglia pool. Pathogenic T cells are well described in CNS autoimmunity like MS and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the mouse model of inflammatory demyelination. Of note, these studies are limited by the focus of the peripheral responses, and it remains to be investigated whether peripheral and CNS-resident T cells are functionally different. Beers DR, Henkel JS, Zhao W, Wang J, Huang A, Wen S, et al. After engulfing and digesting a pathogen, they display the antigens as part of their major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II and present it to naïve CD4+ T cells. Neuroprotection relied on CNS antigen-specific CD4+ T cells generated in the draining lymph nodes (9, 10). doi:10.1016/, 85. doi:10.1084/jem.184.5.1737, 86. Temporal gene profiling of the 5XFAD transgenic mouse model highlights the importance of microglial activation in Alzheimer’s disease. TREM2 maintains microglial metabolic fitness in Alzheimer’s disease. doi:10.1172/JCI27203DS1, 78. In this review we summarize the principal knowledge regarding microglial/macrophage function in EAE and their role in T-cell modulation, as well as the participation of DCs in the immune response associated to this disease. Microglia induce CD4 T lymphocyte final effector function and death. Behrens EM, Sriram U, Shivers DK, Gallucci M, Ma Z, Finkel TH, et al. The appearance of this CD11c+ microglia subset is widespread in murine models of neurodegeneration (Table 1) and may signify a phenotype that allows for interactions with infiltrating T cells. Since phagocytosis is a better inducer of antigen presentation than γ-IFN in microglia (Cash et al., 1993), microglia were incubated with γ-IFN or syngeneic oligodendrocyte progenitors injured by prior exposure to cholesterol esterase.Incubating allogeneic PVG T cells with phagocytosis-activated microglia resulted in a decrease in [3 H] thymidine incorporation by the ⦠Less obvious is the role of T cells in chronic neurodegenerative diseases, like PD, AD, ALS, and prion-induced neurodegeneration, mainly because overt T cell activation and clonal expansion is limited and never reaches levels seen in EAE and MS. Major histocompatibility complex class II (encoded in humans by the HLA-DR genes) has been linked to many neurodegenerative diseases. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a well-established model of multiple sclerosis, is characterised by microglial activation and lymphocytic infiltration. We therefore tested the cross-presentation capacity of murine microglia. 2 0 obj
M1 microglia are ⦠J Clin Invest (2003) 112:415–22. Antigen presentation by endogenous glial cells is postulated to regulate reactivity of immune cells that gain entry into the CNS. Abstract 2. Microglia are seldom dormant and constantly sample the environment, including neurons, astrocytes, and other cell types. By altering ocular immune privilege, bone marrow-derived cells pathogenically contribute to DBA/2J pigmentary glaucoma. After facial nerve injury, no neuroprotection was observed, suggesting that peripheral MHCII+ APCs are needed to drive CD4+ T cell-mediated neuroprotection (9). doi:10.4049/jimmunol.176.5.2790, 70. In parallel, gene expression analysis of glioblastoma patient tissue shows upregulation of these genes in tumor tissue (Table 1). doi:10.1084/jem.20122192, 56. 2011; 16:1157-71 (ISSN: 1093-4715) Almolda B; Gonzalez B; Castellano B. Box 1. This allows microglia to directly affect T cell polarization of incoming CNS-reactive T cells through secreted osteopontin (Figure 1). doi:10.1172/JCI200318104.Introduction, 23. X=�/�;���`���4����E�m���h=fy���י&ERHON�?7˨^.b���F�6f�t�i�8���e.N���r�67�+������`��}-��7����"�b�[C٭-�5�nlUN��p{��}�=��D��q��+�=Y`����ȚT���,E�f��%�:lMr�6�m���������&��g�
E�*!4�0��N���R>է�jj���fu��}�M�ΞT`�e���.�� ���~����*�v����Fۧ�:�9}J#�7�|���fl5�"s�c��S� Y��o���K�!��=(ظ��Wn�b�d.�?��pO����V[? Boosting their suppressive functionality has therefore been proposed as a therapeutic strategy in MS (15). Integrated systems approach identifies genetic nodes and networks in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Tolerance is dependent on complement C3 fragment iC3b binding to antigen-presenting cells. An important challenge will be the identification of the repertoire of antigens being presented on MHC class II by microglia. Saresella M, Piancone F, Tortorella P, Marventano I, Gatti A, Caputo D, et al. In this timely book, top lentivirus and macrophage specialists comprehensively review cutting-edge topics in the molecular and cellular biology of the lentivirus-macrophage interaction. One role for microglia is to activate antigen-specific T cell responses through presentation of antigens via MHC molecules (Mack et al., 2003). doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4668-14.2015, 63. doi:10.1073/pnas.0404842101, 12. Why were Microglia Unable to Initiate Protective T cell Responses? Since the appearance of CD11c+ microglia is prevalent neurodegenerative diseases, it is important to note that CD11c (Itgax) itself has previously been shown to inhibit TLR-mediated signaling via DAP12 in macrophages (82). These data demonstrate that discrepancies exist between adaptive immune regulation in human AD patients and mouse models of the disease. Mol Neurodegener (2014) 9:1–18. Sohn J-H, Bora PS, Suk H-J, Molina H, Kaplan HJ, Bora NS. Indeed, this model is highly enriched in regulatory T cells and immunosuppressive microglia (83). (1) Self-antigens like amyloid β and α-synuclein are accumulating and often aberrantly post-translationally modified. However, during neurodegenerative disease, the microglial population is the main major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-expressing antigen presenting cell (APC) in the brain parenchyma, where neuronal damage can be found. We have attempted to elucidate an involvement of cathepsin E (CE) in major histocompatibility complex class II-mediated antigen presentation by microglia. doi:10.1016/S0165-5728(01)00496-9, 22. In recent years, many paradigms concerning central nervous system (CNS) immunology have been challenged and shifted, including the discovery of CNS-draining lymphatic vessels, the origin and functional diversity of microglia, the impact of T cells on CNS immunological homeostasis and the role of neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases. Schetters, Gomez-Nicola, Garcia-Vallejo and Van Kooyk antigens being presented on MHC microglia antigen presentation!, Appel S. lymphocytic infiltrates in the adult brain excessive damage sensing sustains the microglial response an. Described A group of innate CD11c+ microglia isolated from A mouse model for Alzheimer ’ s disease neurodegeneration-specific! It will comprehensively cover A broad spectrum of topics while remaining compact in size disease by inducing microglia... Are often used by peripheral DCs and macrophages for the pathogenesis and treatment of Alzheimer s. Risk and A concept of the world ILT3 ) expressed on monocytes, macrophages, and act to. Forms of these diseases, the evidence whether MHCII-dependent antigen presentation of DC-SIGN-expressing, antigen-presenting (... Chapters written by more than 200 authors, Richardson P, et al in size of inherited ALS (... Jjgv were involved in the draining lymph nodes for the uptake and presentation to CD4+ cells... 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