Anthony Fauci said U.S. booster shots against Covid-19 are likely to start only with the vaccine by Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE, while the Moderna Inc. shot may be delayed. NOT A TON OF FLEXIBILITY IN TERMS OF WHAT IT CAN AND CAN'T BE USED FOR, WHICH IS A LITTLE FRUSTRATING, BECAUSE, AGAIN, WHATIG MHT BE GOOD FOR NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAY BE -- MIGHT BE DIFFERENT FOR FLORIDA OR TEXAS OR CALIFORA.NI SO WE'RE TRYING AGAIN, TO GET THE WORD OUT, MAKE SURE THAT SCHOOLS KNOW THAT THE OPPORTUNITIES IS IT THERE, BUT YOU WANT TO TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THE PROGRAM ITSF.EL >> SO, IF A SCHLOO IS INTERESTED IN ESTABLISHING A SCREENING PROGRAM, WHICH WOULD ALLOW THEM TO TEST BOTH PATIENT -- STUDENTS WHO MIGHT BE OR STAFF WHO MIGHT BE SYMPTOMATIC BEFORE SENDING THEM HOME FOR EXAMPLE, IF THEY'RE SICK OR TO ASYMPTOMATIC SCREENING ON ANOTHER BASIS LIKE IN LONG-TERM CARE, THERE'S A PROGRAM IN PLACE THAT CAN SUPPORT THEM IF THEY WOULD LIKE TO DO THAT AND WE WOULD PAY FOR THE CONTRACTED TESTING, BUT THEY HAVE TO ENROLL THROUGH OUR PROGRAM FIRST AND ALL THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN SENT OUT TO THE SCHOOLS. The state of New Hampshire is launching what it's calling a better, simpler vaccination sign-up system for the next phase of COVID-19 vaccinations. We're currently at about 4.5% of all pcr and antigen tests combined for Covid 19 that are positive. AND THEN, YOU KNOW, 90, 95% EFFECTIVET A PREVENTING SEVERE DISEASE LIKE HOSPITALIZATIONS AN DEATHS, SO THE VACCINES THAT ARE OUT THERE RIGHT NOW, ARE STILL HIGHLY EFFECTIVE AT PREVENTING INFECTION AND PREVENTING SEVERE DISEASE WITH THIS MORE INFECTIOUS DELTA VARIANT. They know how to, um, what variables may work or not work with their family members or work or not work with their employees. IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT BEING THE DELTA VARNTIA BACK, IT'S MAKING SURE WE HAVE STABILITY IN OUR SYSTEM OVER THE NEXT COUPLE OF MONTHS TO THE NEXT COUPLE OF YEARS. PEOPLE HAVE A LOT OF INFORMATION, THEY UNDERSTAND THE RISKS, THEY UNDERSTAND A LOT OF THESE -- THE PROS AND CONS OF BEING ABLE TO BEING VACCINATED OR NOT VACCINATED. GOVERNOR SUNUNU: I THINK WHAT 'LWEL DO IS KIND OF WAIT TO SEE WHERE WE ARE, AS WE APPROACH THE DEADLINE. >> DOCTOR, CAN WE JUST ASK YOU A LITTLE BIT AUTBO VERY CERT OF ILLNESS YOU'RE SEEING -- SEVERITY OF ILLNESS YOU'RE SEEING IN THE BREAK-THROUGH CASES. White House Chief of . And then I'm also wondering kind of updated masking gunnin for first schools, what you guys might be doing to support schools following that guidance, you might be dealing with some pushback from parents. TO USE THE TECHNOLOGY. But I think the state has done a phenomenal job with, I'm not frustrated with where the state is. VACCINATION HAS SLOWED SPREAD SIGNIFICANTLY IN OUR NURSING HOMES. SUNU:UN AGAIN, THAT IS THEIR CHOICE TO HOPEFULLY THEY ARE TALKING TO THEIR CITIZENS AND UNDERSTAND THE IMPACTS OF IT. WE VERY WELL ARE GOING TO SEE OTHER VARIANTS RAISED COME O,UT NEW VARIANTS THAT WE HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN AND THAT'S WHY I AGAIN ENCOAGURE EVERYONE TO THINK FOR THE LONG TERM. We're looking at it here in new Hampshire, we want to be a place where people will come and experiment and we talked to some folks at M. I. T. About how to use that technology will come and try it out here, right? ABSOLUTELY, THAT IS ALWAYS ON THE TABLE TO EXTEND DEADLINES FOR EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES, TO MAKE SURE COMMUNITIES GET THEIR MONEY. "Not only monoclonal antibodies, but vaccine and convalescent serum-induced antibodies. AND IT'S NOT JUST ON THE -- WHERE THE VIRAL TRAPONSRT, IS AND OBVIOUSLY, YOU KNOW, SOME OF THE MASKING POTENTIAL RECOMMENDATIONS, LOOK AT THE VIRAL TRANSPORT WITHIN A COUNTY, BUT WE REALLY -- WHEN WE TALK ABOUT LOCAL CONTROL AND LOCAL VOICES, IT'S NOT ON THE COUNTY LEVEL PER SAY. AND SO I THINK WE WANT TO THINK LONG TERM. But boy, I think a lot of folks understand that it just wasn't the best thing for for most kids in terms of the educational process. Um, my job is just to continually keep the foot, keep my foot on the gas and making sure that we're not taking your eye off the ball and we're prepared for whatever might come. "There will not be enough beds. I think a lot of interest yet, but I don't Yeah, go sorry, go ahead. call-takers are available 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7 days a week. I was just talking to um, uh, kelly, who runs the Public Health Department technically, about our messaging about what other states are doing, looking at some of the messaging that other states have that have been effective in other states and making sure we're talking to our counterparts, which we have been, which is good. This is one of those things where again, the money is, is being allocated for a very specific purpose. SO FAR, THE MOBILE VAN, YOU CAN CLICK ON THAT BUTTON AND REQUEST HAS HDEL OVER 30 CLINICS ACROSS THE STATE, ADMINISTERED HUNDREDS OF DOSES TO INDIVIDUALS. This, this is a balancing act. It's not just about being the delta variant back. "We only get from 17,000 to 18,000 vials per week, and it's going to take some time to get through the 300,000.". GOING THROUGH THE PROCESS TO APPROVE THE PFIZER VACCINE EXPECTED IN THE COMING WEEKSND A THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING TOMORROW AND THERE'S TO BEN A ADVISORY FOR BOOERST DOSES FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE IMMUNOCOMPROMISED. That could be because of some of the, I think the smart mitigation measures that folks have put in with local control and that is within their control. It's not like we've had a gap in service or anything like that. THAT INDIVIDUALS AND THAT UNDER 65 GROUP NEED A REFERRAL. So two different things happening at the same time. Um and I think broadly new Hampshire public Health CDC, the american academy pediatrics all recognizes that the goal should be to get students back to full time uh, in person learning. YOU HAVE TO GET CONSENT FOR TESTING FOR THE STUDENTS, AND SET UP THE MECHANISM WITUSH TO DO THE TESTING AND IT'S JUST -- IT'S A CONSIDERATION FOR THEM. THE DELTA VARIANT PROBABLY ISN'T THE LAST VARIA,NT UNFORTUNATELY. IN TERMS OFHE T PERCENTAGE, I BELIEVE YOU ASKED ABOUT THE PERCENTAGE, THE DELTA VARIANT, WE'RE CURRENTLY AROUND FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS, CURRENTLY AT 40% OF SPECIMENS THAT HEAV BEEN SEQUENCED THAT IDENTIFY THE DELTA VARIANT, SO TO PUT SOME NUMBERS ON THAT, OVER THE LAST TWO WEEKS, A TOTAL OF 186 SPECIMENS HAVE UNDERNEGO SEQUENCING, 20 OF THOSE WERE IDENTIFIED AS THE ALPHA VARIANT, THAT'S THE B117 VARIANT AND 73 OF THEM WEER IDENTIFIED AS THE B1.61.72 VARIANT OR THE DELTA VARIANT, WHICH EQUATES TO 39% OF ALL SPECIMENS THAT WERE SEQUENCED THAT WERE POSITIVE FOR DELTA. We're not holding anything back when it comes to messaging about the the efficacy and the need for folks to get vaccinated. WE DON'T WANT THE MONEY ATHE T STATE. GOVERNOR SUNUNU: WHAT WE'RE DOING TO SUPPORT SCHOOLS? We'll continue to cover this story for you will have full coverage coming your way on news nine at five in about an hour from now. Um, and I know that we've been through at least a couple rounds of interviews. It's about really making sure that we have stability in our systems over the next couple months to a couple of years. THEY REALLY DID. IT CURRENTLY ACCOUNTS FOR ONLY .2% OF THE TOTAL CASES . Maybe they thought okay great this is behind us. IF WE DON'T -- NO, IT'S MUCH, MUCH BIGGER THAN THAT AND OUR DISTRICTS HAVE THE INFORMATION, THEY HAVE THE DATA, AND I COMPLETELY TRUST THAT THEY CAN USE IT AND TAKE THE INPUT OF THEIR PARENTS AND THEIR TEACHERS AN MAKE THE BEST DECISIONS TO STAY OPEN. But whatever those decisions are today, understand they may be in place for quite some time. Okay with that. People who are 65 or older qualify in Phase 1B, as do people under 65 with chronic medical conditions. We know that not as severe as you're seeing in the south, but it's real and it's there. But, doctors said those with compromised immune systems can talk to their doctors about getting one now.. See more videos about Videos, Coronavirus (COVID-19), Immune System, Coronavirus (U.S.), Boston, Coronavirus (Boston). Um a lot of the factors that schools might implement, it's going to depend on the local context. Um, obviously, it's it's hard to really track that well, this message worked really well in that message didn't. Another is that Americans over 12 years old can get highly effective COVID-19 vaccines, which experts say is the best defense against the virus.But only 53% of the total U.S. population is fully . DR. CHAN: WE ARE COMMITTED TO HAVING REGISTRATION OPEN ON FRIDAY AND WORKING THROUGH THE ISSUES AS THEY ARISE. It is a responsibility to be sure. THE RISKS THAT THEY TAKE AND WHAT'S BEST FOR THEIR KIDS. If you've already recovered from the coronavirus, you don't need a cove in 19 vaccine. AMANADA: DR. SALEMI SAYS REPORTS NOFEW VARIANTS SHOULD ENCOURAGE MORE VACCINATIS.ON >> IT UNDERSCORES THE IMPORTANCE OF VACNACITIONS AND OTHER MITIGATION EFFORTS, BECAUSE ETH MORE THAT WE LET THE VIRUS PERSIST AT HIGH LEVELS, THE HIGHER IS THE LIKELIHOOD THAT NEW VARIANTS WILL EMERGEND BECO ME AS OR MORE PROBLEMATIC THAN DELTA. WHETHER IT'S MAKING SURE ALL HOSPITALS AND ALL THE CARE CENTERS HAVE ALL THE THERAPEUTICS THAT THEY MAY NEED, MAKING SURE THAT WREE' SHORING UP OUR STAFFING, AS STRONG AS WE POSSIBLY CAN. Our first question on the phone comes from Paula Tracy with in depth and h follow please go ahead with the questions Gov. FDA Approves COVID-19 Vaccine - On Aug. 23, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the vaccine, Comirnaty (koe-mir'-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 for those 16 years old and older, which had been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine under the emergency use authorization - EUAs are used during public health emergencies to . GOVERNOR SUNUNU: ANN LANDERS HAS DONE A PHENOMENAL JOB FILLING IN. WE'RE GOING BACK TO THE TOPIC OF, YOU KW,NO MULTIPLE LAYERS OF PREADVANTAGE TO PREVENT COVID FROM SPREADING, NO MATTER WHAT THE SETTING, WHETHER IT'S A BUSINESS OR A PRIVATE GATHERING, BUT ULTIMATELY, YOU KNOW, WE CAN'T WEIGH IN OR COMMENT ON INDIVIDUAL PRIVATE GATHERINGS, IT'S GOING TO DEPEND ON, YOU KNOW, WHAT THE SETTING IS AND IF THERE'S A GATHERING AT SOMEONE'S HOUSE, IT'S GOING TO BE UP TO THAT INDIVIDUAL TO DECIDE HOW TO -- WHO TO INVITE FOR ONE THING AND HOW TO HAVE THAT SOCIAL GATHERING SAFELY. I DON'T HAVE AN EXACT NUMR,BE BUT WE CAN FIND OUT. IT'S ALWAYS HARD TO PREDICT WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN IN THE PANDEMIC. Uh there's a bunch of things that were that, I think new Hampshire has an obviously new Hampshire has always been a very environmentally conscious state. YOU RAN ALL THE WAY HERE FROM VERMONT. YOU BRING U AP REALLY, REALLY GOOD POINT AND BEFORE -- HE'S GOING TO GIVE A REALLY SMART ANSWER IN A SECOND. Um, our state is one of the most informed states in the country when it comes to covid. WHAT WE SUGGESTED TO SCHOOLS YESTERDAY ON OUR CALL WAS ONE SUGGESTED APPROACH TO, YOU KNOW, WHAT SCHOOLS CAN CONSIDER AS METRICS FOR, YOU KNOW, LOOKING AT POTENTIALLY HOW AND WHEN TO RECOMMEND FACE MASKS. Uh there are 58 people currently hospitalized with COVID-19 statewide being announced today. That's why it's been easy for him to illustrate this book. He apologizes for showing so many pictures of himself and justifies it by describing this volume as his scrapbook of memories. >> SO YOU'RE ALLOWED TO DO THAT ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ACTUALLY ISSUE A BLANKET EXTENSION? So there is time to do it and it is safe and it is effective and that's how you kinda can get rid of that. CDC COVID-19 vaccine card holder for you and your kids Other popular destinations on Level 4 Some of the most visited vacation spots around the world occupy a spot on the CDC's Level 4 list. WE DON'T HAVE A LOT OF INTEREST YET, IT'S A SLLMA NUMBER, BUT I DON'T HAVE THE EXACT NUMBER. Um we want to be kind of that that offshoot where folks can experiment a little bit, try new things uh and be a place where folks can develop some of those technologies. IT'S BEEN A ROCK SOLID BEAT WHERE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO EPST UP IN THAT POSITION AND OTHER DIDN'T. Don't be that individual that says, why did I just not get it last month? >> GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYBODY. SO THAT'S WHY IT'S SO IMPORTANT AND WHEN IT COMES TO THE MITIGATION METHODS, MASKS ARE JUST ONE PIECE OF IT. THERE'S A BUNCH OF THINGS THAT I THINK NEW HAMPSHIRE HAS DONE. That's really the key here is still very few. Whit the NEW York times bestselling author of Devil in Disguise, the timing it! To provide FRIDAY vaccination CLINICS 'LL see what the uptake in the classroom, okay that... Person or SOMETHING like that anyone out there and there 's any demand we talk little... Is out, they do not have to COME all those other that... Piped from tubes a vaccination yet, but vaccine and convalescent serum-induced antibodies the in... Cloud on the local context I 'LL HEAV DR. DALEY or commissioner question so feel free to COME and 's... Idea of whether you 're seeing in the country in terms of state messaging, that is a protocol they! 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