After the forms are set, I install the wire mesh and call for concrete. Stay tuned for the giveaway, coming up later this week! Concrete exposed to the elements and daily wear and tear can become cracked, pitted, chipped, and worn. A lot. If this works….. oh can you imagine how much work and money I will save. After that, you will need to wait a few more days before you can use your counters normally, about a week total. moderate sulfate resistance, suitable for concrete exposed to either soil or water that contains sulfate ions. Do the same along the edge of the new pour too and create a beam cavity – it is common to use rebar to reinforce the ‘beam’. I formed the perimeter with 2x4's and set them to grade using my self-leveling laser. There is plenty of product, we used about half of it. You must be sure that the substrate is free of all types of contamination, including but not limited to oil, grease, food fats, curing compounds, sealers, laitance, dirt, wax etc. Pouring over the old concrete instead of having to demo and remove it, ended up saving the customer hundreds of dollars. He is passionately interested in home improvement, renovation and woodworking. If you just pour new concrete over it and don't fix the problem, it's highly likely the same thing will happen to the new concrete. There are many reasons you may wish to pour concrete over concrete. Forms should be treated to prevent concrete from sticking to them. Damaged concrete is a poor base for a new slab. Use a vacuum and a lint-free rag to clean up the dust. Not enough storage, counter space, and it looked tiny in our large kitchen. In this paradigm-shattering book, leading behavioural economist and food psychologist Brian Wansink - dubbed the 'Sherlock Holmes of food' and the 'wizard of why' - offers a radical new philosophy for weight loss. An illustrated guide to wooden boat construction using WEST SYSTEM epoxy by pioneers in the field of wood/epoxy composite construction. The test involves a spring-driven hammer or weight and a scale that measures the rebound. The size of the pour will influence the choice of ready-mix vs hand-mixed. Click here to read our PRIVACY POLICY and our DISCLAIMER NOTICE. Although I bought everything recommended the project list, here is what you really need: I HIGHLY recommend removing your sink. Apply the new concrete over the primer. The new layer should be good for decades. I don’t put hot things right on them, since they are not solid concrete, but they are holding up beautifully, no scratches or dings of any kind. I am sorry! Are your countertops still holding up well? © Copyright 2020 | | All Rights Reserved. Just like regular concrete, self-leveling overlays can be integrally colored, stained, stenciled, saw-cut, sandblasted or polished. * *Transform is intended to overlay all countertops, however uneven surfaces and over-mount sinks may require additional kitchen installation or fabrication service. Step 3: Seal (covered in the next post). Although this kit is technically a 3-day process, give yourself some leeway in case things don’t go perfectly, or you have to spend more time than you think. Removing an existing concrete slab is a lengthy, labor-intensive process. One alternative to removing old concrete is to pour a new layer over the existing slab. In addition to significantly reducing labor, this option saves money and resources, but you should also consider its disadvantages. They look so much better than I imagined. Found insideConcrete blocks, for example, do not cost a lot, but if you build a counter with block, ... If you want to put one in the lawn, you can install a simple ... The pressure for change and improvement of performance is relentless and necessary. Concrete must keep evolving to satisfy the increasing demands of all its users. Today you will add 3 coats of colored concrete to your countertops. It is absolutely necessary to pull off the tape and reapply new tape after each coat of Superbond and cement mix. Step 9: Edge, groove, and finish the surface as desired. I did exactly that in my laundry room and was thrilled with the results. The proper concrete mixing ratios are 1:2:3, 1:3:3, 1:2:4 for cement, sand, and stone. Contraction seams are often put before the concrete fully sets, or cut into the slab within 24-hours of the pour, to control the location of the cracking. The terms concrete and cement are used mutually in our society, they definitely aren't the same. The whole thing will be rough, you just want to knock down peaks and big marks so you don’t use a ton of concrete filling them in. Shopping for a home in Los Angeles? It's a sellers' market, where real estate is in high demand and no shortage of money is thrown sellers' way. It's competitive, it's fierce, but it's not always the highest bidder who comes out on top. I found it was easier to apply the sealer (and finish) by pouring it in a line instead of trying to spread out a puddle. Sand it very well, and make sure you love all the marks. Hi, I am Mike Day, owner of Day’s Concrete Floors, Inc. in Maine, where I've been working with concrete for 40 years now, and this website is where I can share with you all the knowledge and wisdom I've gained from installing all kinds of decorative concrete, concrete floors, concrete overlays, stained concrete and also fixing cracked or spalled concrete. Step 4. When you tap it with a hammer you get a hollow higher pitch noise than you get when you tap solid concrete or a solid floor over concrete. Day 1 is a grainy, gray-colored primer coat. They are still holding up very well! You'll return to this book again and again for inspiration to fall in love with the home you have. But, there's some things you have to take into consideration before you make a final decision. Steel rebar is also a good idea if the slab is thick enough to allow it. Fu-Tung Cheng, co-author of Concrete Countertops: Design, Forms and Finishes for the New Kitchen and Bath, replies: We generally install our countertops on custom cabinets made of 3/4-in. The simple answer to the question "Can I pour concrete over existing concrete?" But, there's some things you have to take into consideration before you make a final decision. Saving this for “hopefully” soon to be done project. You just have to understand the limitations and the reasons why it might not be a good idea. Structurally sound concrete is necessary, otherwise, the cracks in the old will make their way through the new. Yes, that technique is covered in the book. The most useful reference available for learning and improving stamped concrete skills. "Labor and material costs, manhours and city cost modifiers for all residential, commercial and industrial construction"--Cover. You can if the concrete is sound (solid) with minor cracks, pitting, scaling, surface damage, or just plain ugly. The old concrete is dry and will draw moisture from the new, altering the water to cement ratio and weakening the pour. Step 4: Cure (and apply silicone at sink if needed). As you go, you can scrape the thicker parts back to the container, and add small amounts of water, about a tsp at a time. Overlay ensures a durable concrete look and feel at a fraction of the cost required for freshly poured concrete slabs. Although they may start at an edge, they frequent the mid-span of the slab. This profusely illustrated guide first discusses the many merits of earthbag construction, and then leads the reader through the key elements of an earthbag building: Special design considerations Foundations, walls, and floors Electrical, ... "Includes free estimation software download"--Cover. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it. Even though your counter may feel dry to the touch, it still needs to completely cure. It’s a lovely, 50’s era single level house. Once it is ready to go, you can roll the wheelbarrow right inside to where you are building the countertop. The thickness of the overlay determines how quickly the other factors may affect the finish. A well-poured concrete slab with a deep, sturdy foundation can last for 30 to 40 years. A.The American Society of Concrete Construction (ASCC) replies: The required surface preparation depends on whether you’re placing a fully bonded topping or an unbonded topping. Painters tape just won’t make it look nice due to the thickness of the product, so take the time to remove your sink. Be sure to refer to the instruction booklet that comes with your kit, but I wanted to offer an overview and tips from our experience. #2. Surely, it’s a less expensive option than granite. Epoxy 3d floor murals, installation process, and step by step guide for how to install a 3d epoxy floor. It works well with all kinds of composite and laminate countertops (including Formica) as well as with solid wood, concrete, or stone. Cement is a major ingredient used to make concrete. Once you complete this project, you will have an extremely durable countertop surface to work with. The simple answer is YES, you can pour new concrete right over existing concrete. Now that you have had your counters for 6 months or so, how are they holding up? The color is great too!! Here Ralston shows how to plan, execute, and complete a concrete countertop cast-in-place for ease and convenience. This book is a great inspiration for anyone interested in concrete countertop fabrication. The smallest rock size is about 3/8 inch. Draw an approximate outline onto the mesh with a marker, making it a 1/2 inch smaller than the actual counter top on all sides. The sealer is as sticky as pine sap, and you will need acetone to get it off your hands. You’re welcome! is YES. A bit more research lead me to the Encore Countertop Refinishing System. Your email address will not be published. Rebar and expansion cracks also help minimize these types of cracks. It is an ideal solution for worn or settled concrete provided it is structurally sound and the added thickness won’t pose a problem with openings and drainage. , it so simple to set up and learn how to use. Thank you for sharing all the details and your experience! It was a humid week here, so our drying times were prolonged. Is the existing concrete structurally sound? Clean the old surface, form it up, coat with a bonding agent, pour or place the new concrete, and finish as desired. What color kit did you use? Oh no! It’s easy to sand all the way down to your laminate! Yes! Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? Amateurs alike will appreciate the intricate detail and the helpful hints that Rhodes includes in this comprehensive guide. The force can cause the concrete to crack. is, how I poured a new garage floor over an old garage floor, Concrete Overlays Explained: Resurface & Repair Existing Concrete, What are the Correct Concrete Mixing Ratios - Ratio Chart, Ready Mix Concrete Suppliers Near Me - All 50 States Local Ready Mix, What is the Difference Between Cement and Concrete, 3d Epoxy Flooring for Bedrooms, Kitchens, and Living Areas (Costs). Can you pour concrete over existing concrete and give it a new life? The use of rebar and expansion joints with a compressible material such as rubber, lumber, or asphalt help prevent thermal cracks by resisting or absorbing the compression forces. Pouring concrete so it joins the old and forms a strong bond can be done in different ways. There are a few things you need to understand before picking concrete countertops as your new counters though, and that is one, they are not a uniform color, there are variances and the more you need to sand on them after pouring, the more they have variation because of the aggregate that shows through! Yes you can, if the new concrete is 3 inches thick or more. So, I opted to build my own! Shovel the mixture into the form, and use a wooden float to compact it into a level, base layer of concrete. Ensure the old is structurally sound and clean of dirt, dust, and loose material. This allowed me to get a 1.5 inch slope on the new concrete away from the house. But, a sacrifice I’m willing to make to bring my counters out of the 20th century. Also, be aware that your putty knife marks will be in the finished color. Mixing ratios are based on what psi concrete you need. The durability of concrete overlays depends upon the thickness of the new layer, the condition of the under-laying concrete, exposure to the elements, use, and how well it bonded in the first place. Let it dry for several hours, and then follow up with the finish, applying in the same manner. You should expect to put effort into this project. If you can't come to a conclusive answer to those questions, then it's probably a better idea to remove the old concrete and figure out why it settled or heaved, then fix that problem so it doesn't do it again. If you are new to using a putty knife, you can still complete this project. I feel like I learned a few things along the way. Accompanied by a host of color photographs, detailed drawings, and a DVD, a companion volume to Concrete Countertops offers a step-by-step, hands-on approach to guide readers through the process of designing, forming, pouring, finishing, ... Be thorough but don’t overdo it. Did the slab go back down to its original level after it heaved or did it remain in that position? The simple answer to the question "Can I pour concrete over existing concrete?" I like the Topcon RL-H5B, it so simple to set up and learn how to use. Step 5: Mix-up the scratch coat and apply, or apply bonding medium, or wet the old concrete until it is saturated. If you get a thin, thorough coat, you won’t need to worry too much about bubbles. So my concrete might have a little bit of a raised edge. I recommend pouring the new concrete at least 3 inches thick and installing a bond breaker between the old slab and the new one … Do they scratch? I greatly encourage you to watch the provided videos, but use them as a guide, because I have found a few different things worked better. I think you should rip out the counter tops, install the proper underlayment, and then pour a new top. Also get a new sink - and size the opening appropriately. They are great! The rebound hammer test is a common NDT method used to assess the hardness of concrete, which in turn is interpreted as its strength. You also want to tape off the edges of your counter to protect walls, windows and appliances. You will get a feel for it after a little while. 1 Gallon - Wet look Cure Sealer for Concrete $19.98 (we still have 2/3 of the gallon left for future coats) Grinder and wheel - $70.00 ( not required if using a self leveling concrete!) I let it dry for 24 hours, then I applied a concrete bonding agent by brushing on a light coating. In this article, we’ll discuss pouring concrete over existing concrete, the minimum thickness a resurfacing should be, and how to make it bond. #3. Step 2: Application. Keep it as clean as possible, it will cut down on sanding time later. But there was one problem with all those concrete skim-coating tutorials out there: they assumed you had an EXISTING counter. 02 of 06 Check out all the Encore colors here. They are more common in concrete without adequate reinforcement, or where subsurface erosion or weakness occurs – often along backfilled zones or where disturbed soil meets undisturbed ground. "Labor and material costs, manhours and city cost modifiers for all residential, commercial and industrial construction"--Cover. Modern concrete came into use in the last 200 years, but when protected and maintained, has demonstrated longevity that is promising. Apparently, remodeling costs money. Pour the clear epoxy on the center of the countertop, use a 1/8'' notch trowel to evenly spread the clear epoxy. Countertop refinishing kits are like paint on steroids. This will save a lot of trips in and out with buckets of heavy, wet, concrete. Shonee, Your email address will not be published. If it heaved and cracked, why did it do that? Of course, that makes it sound a lot easier than I’m sure it was! If the concrete is painted and you're pouring less than 3 inches of new concrete over it, you have to remove the paint (pressure wash it or grind it off) then apply a bonding agent to "glue" the new concrete to the old. Two nutrition experts use the most up-to-date data available to dispel dieting myths and show how tracking calories helps with weight loss, in a volume that features calorie counts for over twenty thousand foods. In our case, the … Work your way around the countertop covering the … I spoke to the Encore specialist and got an okay to water it down, but I also recommend it because ours turned out perfect. This comprehensive code comprises all building, plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas and electrical requirements for one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses up to three stories. In the end, you will have beautiful countertops without forking over a fortune to get them. Is it possible to build a form around existing countertops and pour concrete directly over this surface? Having a professional, finished look is worth the hassle. Step 8: Screed or float the concrete level and let it set-up. If there isn’t the elevation available, removal may be the better option than going with a thinner overlay. I see some challenges. Under $200 for that much new counter, not bad! You want to spend some time on this step. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Bethany and Whistle and Ivy with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Step 3. Here's another video showing you how I poured a new garage floor over an old garage floor. Our countertop space was 47 sq feet. Concrete 4” or less thick should be shelved. There are also numerous examples of them lasting 2 to 3 decades or more. Pour enough down the center of the countertop to cover the entire surface, then spread it around with a roller. For a fully bonded application, the topping becomes an integral part of the repaired floor slab. Whether you are going over tile, laminate, granite, or concrete, you will need to prepare … The second coat is really the one you should try to make perfect. The only good thing about the tile is that I can put hot things on it without having to think about it. When I look at old concrete, I look for settling and heaving first. Yours look great! Eugene has been a DIY enthusiast for most of his life and especially loves being creative while inspiring creativity in others. I say after having poured them, as long as you can lift a full five-gallon bucket up to your head 15-20 times, you are good to go…or at least have someone handy who can! Software professionals, architects, project leads, or managers at any stage of their career will benefit greatly from this book, which provides guidance and knowledge that would otherwise take decades and many projects to acquire. This kit is recommended for 50 sq feet and under. Packed with informative sidebars, checklists, diagrams and photographs, all showing what to expect from contractors and tradespeople, and how to keep every reno running on time and on budget, Make It Right is the book you need to read ... But you can follow the entire process on Cassie’s blog, Design Stocker. You can use it over any existing countertop, as long as it’s stable without cracks. Cracks in concrete may indicate that the structural integrity of the mass is compromised, and it should be removed. Q. You can use a roller to apply to vertical edges. I poured and leveled the concrete, I bull floated it and then let it set until it was ready to stamp. Oh, happy day! They are commonly ‘painted’, rubbed, or sprayed onto the old surface and into cracks and pits. Pouring concrete when it’s hotter than 80 degrees F is risky because your concrete can begin hardening sooner than you can get it poured and troweled. The first coating will NOT completely cover the counter – it should be a THIN coat. The surface was badly worn and pitted, but the slab was structurally sound and there was ample height to pour a new slab right over the old one. How you determine that, could be the most important part to answering that question. You can pour as thin as 1.5 inches over the old concrete. Provides information for carpentry students to strengthen their fundamental math skills and teaches them how to apply that knowledge in every step of construction. Remember, concrete has aggregate in it (rocks). The concrete dries out quickly and can become too thick to work. The last color coat is VERY thin. In rare instances, contractors have used dry-shake color and other hardeners with some success. your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable. One alternative to removing old concrete is to pour a new layer over the existing slab. The cracks usually are wider at the surface and narrow as they go through the concrete. Start with less than you think, you can add more if you need to. Design by. Again, you will be working in VERY thin layers. Pro Note: Adding an overlay of 3-inches or less requires the use of bonding solutions or agents to get the two layers to form one. Removed the forms, and my husband smoothed it out. 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