The procedure for determining a breach of work duties has been adjusted, now allowing for dismissal for breach without having to first conduct disciplinary proceedings in the following cases: (i) if the employee’s behavior is such that he/she cannot continue to work for the employer (e.g. Also, Eastern and Central Europeans are arriving at the inevitable conclusion that Biden is ready to make compromises at the expense of their security. Expropriation of property can only occur for a “compelling public purpose” and compensation must be made at fair market value. The agreement for this project, which is currently the largest infrastructure project in Montenegro, requires that 30 percent of the labor contract be engaged locally. Political pressure and anxiety over a fourth wave of the Coronavirus is now replacing clinical data and science. There is a defined package of incentives offered to foreign investors, including duty exemptions for imported equipment. According to changes to the law, businesses are no longer required to provide official records proving that the company was unable to hire Montenegrin nationals with the required skills before hiring foreigners. Despite their brief time in power, the government has had to deal with many problems, most notably the pushback from the Law on Religion and the proposed government debates on the Law of Citizenship (Dragojlovic, 2021), less to mention the rifts which are already beginning to show, damaging the alliance with the largest party, The Democratic Front, recently boycotting parliamentary … Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. In 2004, Montenegro adopted a new Law on Mortgages by which immovable property may be encumbered by security interest (mortgage) to secure a claim for the benefit of a creditor who is authorized, in the manner prescribed by the law, to demand satisfaction of the claim by foreclosing the mortgaged property with priority over creditors who do not have a mortgage created on that particular property, as well as over any subsequently registered mortgage, regardless of a change in the owner of the encumbered immovable property. Towards political will for inclusion instead of political manipulation of homo/transphobia. However, Montenegro has outstanding claims related to property nationalized under the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. All proposed laws and regulations put forth by the government are published in draft form and open for public comment, generally for a 30-day period. Free trade agreements with Kazakhstan and Belarus, which formed a customs union together with Russia, are also currently not in force. It’s your identity”. Offshore exploratory drilling started in March 2021. The Supreme Court is the third (and final) instance court for all decisions. In 2004, Montenegro adopted the Law on Free Zones, which offers businesses benefits and exemptions from custom duties, taxes, and other duties in specified free trade zones. Podgorica. World Pride is being celebrated on our continent this week, but a surge in intolerance towards LGBTI people in Europe is nothing to be proud about. More information available at At the end of 2020, the new government exercised its legal option to continue government operations under a temporary budget and postpone the budget proposal until March 2021. The progress of the past years coupled with persisting homo/transphobia in our societies have now provided fertile ground for exploitation by opportunistic and anti-human rights political movements. Employees who have a six-day long work week are entitled to a minimum of 24 working days of annual leave. Public procurement is conducted jointly by the Public Procurement Directorate, the Ministry of Finance (as the main line ministry for the procurement area), and the State Commission for Control of Public Procurement Procedures in the protection of rights area. Found inside – Page 135Note: see Table 2. In 2020, general government revenues declined by 13 percent, strongly. MONTENEGRO Key challenges conditions and 2020 0.6 4.7 Montenegro ... LGBTI human rights defenders are doing amazing work to counter the spread of hate and should be better supported. In those areas deemed to function competitively, the market will determine prices. Also, Germany may conclude that it can do business with tyrants regardless of beliefs and without fear of repercussions from Washington. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In 2015, Montenegro’s Parliament adopted the Law on the Confiscation of Proceeds from Criminal Activities, which provides for expanded procedures for the freezing, seizure, and confiscation of illicit proceeds. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Montenegro has a multi-party political system with a mixed parliamentary and presidential system. Once a bank account is established, the company reports to the tax authority in order to receive a PIB (taxation identification number) and VAT number (Value Added Tax). While Joe Biden’s attempts to restore closer relationships with European allies are desirable, abandoning the Nord Stream 2 penalties and sanctions seems to be a step out of the line. Over the last several years, the adoption of 20 new business laws has significantly changed and clarified the legislative environment. In December 2020, the government established the High-Level National Anti-Corruption Council. However, the law still offers some latitude for restrictive measures and discretionary government interference. The Law on the Employment of Nonresidents took effect in 2009 and mandates the government to set a quota for nonresident workers in the country. As of August 20, the Government of Montenegro has confirmed that there are currently 5,577 active cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) within its borders. Found inside – Page 1956Following the defeat of Milošević in 2000, the new Yugoslav government moved ... The Montenegrin government joined NATO's Partnership for Peace (PfP) ... Various foreign companies have other bilateral and multilateral organizations providing risk insurance against war, expropriation, nationalization, confiscation, inconvertibility of profit and dividends, and inability to transfer currency; these are the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA of the World Bank), U.S. Development Finance Corporation (USDFC), U.K. Exports Credit Guarantee Department (ECGD), Slovenia Export Corporation (SID), Italian Export Credit Agency (SACE), French Export Credit Agency (COFACE), and Austrian Export Financing Group (OEKB). Montenegro is already the front runner in the process. Politicians’ scapegoating of LGBTI people for their own gain is only a symptom of their more widespread opposition to and assault on human rights and the rule of law. In 2005, the Montenegrin Parliament adopted the Regulation on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Border Measures that provides powers to customs authorities to suspend customs procedures and seize pirated and counterfeit goods. 02. In cases in which employees claim unlawful termination, the employee must initiate proceedings before the Agency for Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes or before the Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution. The new Law improves the conditions for retirement, because one quarter of the period of service that was the most unfavorable for future retirees is excluded from the accounting period. The registry’s operational guidelines have been drafted and approved by the Commercial Court. Indian and Pakistani Retired Military Leaders, Armenia's Existential Threats and Strategic Issues, A character assassination campaign against the Crown Prince. Found inside – Page 540[37] Government of Montenegro (2015), Fisheries Strategy of Montenegro for 2015-2020, Government of Montenegro, Podgorica. [47] Government of Montenegro ... This volume brings together the thinking and viewpoints of specialists from various pertinent fields for a discussion of factors bearing on the quality of future populations of the world. Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues, Office of the U.S. Montenegro is not included on the U.S. Trade Representative’s Special 301 Watch List or Notorious Markets List. There are no sovereign wealth funds in Montenegro. Government Spending in Montenegro decreased to 177686 EUR Thousand in the first quarter of 2021 from 278740 EUR Thousand in the fourth quarter of 2020. source: Statistical Office of Montenegro. The majority of companies that have not yet been privatized are of strategic importance to the Montenegrin economy and operate in such fields as energy, transport, and tourism. Policies towards Foreign Direct Investment. News and documents search ... 20.08.2021. In Poland, the proliferation of anti-LGBT declarations and “family charters” adopted by some local governments has led to many LGBTI people being shunned by members of their own communities. In 2019, the government revealed that it had been giving loans and flats on very favourable terms to a number of senior judges (Marović, 2021). I am concerned that we are facing a downward spiral with more and more politicians across Europe feeling emboldened to resort to such unacceptable attacks on LGTBI people as they see these tactics work in other countries. Montenegro has also been designated as a beneficiary developing country under the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program which expired on January 1, 2021. Also, there have been a few high-profile corruption prosecutions, including at the levels of local and national governments. He surpasses Laschet in popularity, but his ability to further increase the rating is limited. The influence of the anti-gender movements in politics is increasing. Contact at government agencies responsible for combating corruption: Found inside – Page iThis book explores the stagnation of democracy in the Western Balkans over the last decade. In the Russian Federation, exploiting anti-LGBTI prejudice to attract votes is a long-standing practice, the latest example being the proposal to enshrine a ban on same-sex marriage in the Constitution. The anti-gender movements call into question the concept of gender and whether it is a protected category in the human rights framework, promoting an ultra-conservative view of the family, sexuality and women’s role in society. Europe Jul 3rd 2021 edition. It is widely mentioned in business circles that Montenegrin young adults prefer public sector work to private companies, which offer higher salaries. A task made all the more challenging with the recent protests and the effects of the pandemic. Bills that should be uncontroversial have spurred heated political debate. Director, Agency for the Prevention of Corruption ... (2021) Montenegro. 4 Sep 2021 Protesters have clashed with riot police in the old capital of Montenegro, setting up blockades before the inauguration of a new head … In several countries, politicians expressing anti-LGBTI views have links with far-right and neo-Nazi movements involved in violent attacks on LGBTI events. Government officials have accused the main opposition party of attempting a coup during the weekend's violent protests against the … If there is one thing that is clear, it is that the transition of power is not going to be instantaneous and the DPS is not going to relinquish power without a fight. The radical Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the intractable Greens have gained in popularity: if a coalition with the first is excluded for ideological reasons, then an alliance with the latter contradicts the preservation of stability. The Politics of Montenegro (Montenegrin: Политика Црне Горе, romanized: Politika Crne Gore) takes place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic, whereby the Prime Minister of Montenegro is the head of government, and of a multi-party system. The agreement has been signed by seven countries (Albania, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, UNMIK/Kosovo, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina). The Agency for Electronic Communication and Postal Services was established by the government in 2001. Found inside – Page 303The Government of Montenegro initiated the project, which took on a ... The government's Strategy for Scientific Research Activities 2017–2021 fixes the ... Found inside – Page 144By July, central government revenues declined by 12 percent y-o-y, while central ... Montenegro's economy is expected to rebound strongly in 2021 with an ... Data not available. Recently, the Tbilisi Pride march in Georgia had to be cancelled after violent attacks on the organisers’ headquarters and journalists covering the events. At first, the stake was placed on Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer—then the general secretary of the party, a technocrat even outwardly similar to the chancellor, but she did not gain popularity and after the scandal in the Thuringia state elections in February 2020, she resigned. Found inside – Page 50 Jan-20 Mar-20 May-20 Aug-20 Oct-20 0 Dec-20 Feb-21 May-21 Montenegro ... Oxford Government Policy Response Index (Index, 100=Stringest policies) 100 80 60 ... The Central Register of the Commercial Court (CRPS) is responsible for business registration procedures ( 33 Delaware Street, Woodbury, NJ 08096. The revised Law of Public Procurement entered into force in December 2019. At the time when this was proposed, the polls indicated that many voters were undecided as to whether to participate in the constitutional referendum being held in the summer of 2020, which sought to make sweeping changes to the Russian Constitution. In other cases, the system delivers appropriate outcomes, though in a complex and time-consuming way. However, like other states in the Balkans who are aspiring to join the EU, Montenegro is faced with a similar problem that is beyond its control; EU expansion fatigue. The most prominent SOEs still in operation include the Port of Bar, Montenegro Railways, Airports of Montenegro, Plantaze Vineyards, Electric Power Industry of Montenegro (EPCG), and several companies in the tourism industry, including Ulcinjska and Budvanska Rivijera. Linked to WTO website with Law on Free Zones in English, Performance and Data Localization Requirements. Found inside“Montenegrin media did not report neutrally and objectively during the election ... disinformation campaign”, Government of Montenegro, 13 January 2020. Until 2010, Montenegro had two stock exchanges. Overall, public attitudes towards LGBTI people have markedly improved in many places. Montenegro has taken steps to improve court-system inefficiencies, which frequently result in long and drawn-out trials. The Montenegrin government offers financial incentives to investors based on the value of their investment. Montenegro has one of the highest public debt to GDP ratios in the region, currently above 80 percent. The August 30, 2020 national parliamentary elections resulted in three opposition coalitions – For the Future of Montenegro, Peace is Our Nation, and In Black and White – toppling the former ruling Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) that had been in power since the introduction of the multi-party system in 1990. The basic restitution policy in Montenegro is restitution in kind, when possible, and cash compensation or substitution of other state land when physical return is not possible. In December 2020, DFC’s representative visited Montenegro to meet the new government and private sector representatives. Full-time positions are 40 hours per week. The Turkish authorities withdrew from the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), claiming a need to resist “the normalisation of homosexuality which is incompatible with Turkey’s social and family values”. Found inside2021 the Mission welcomed the adoption of a new national Strategy for Control of SALW ... an agreement with the Montenegro Government on strengthening OSCE ... Furthermore, the country, together with Albania, is the only country to have consistently aligned themselves with 100% of the EU foreign policies decisions. The Nord Stream 2 project; however, has enraged the US and several European countries, but Biden and Merkel declared last month that they had reached an agreement to allow it to be completed. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, 1. Dead link; could not find new council website. A bank can be founded as a joint-stock company and acquire the status of a legal entity by registering in the court register. Further privatization of SOEs should contribute to better economic performance, increase the competitiveness of the country, and enable the government to generate higher revenues (while lowering its outlays), which will enhance capital investments and reduce debts. As of 2006, when the country regained its independence, Montenegrin codes and criminal justice institutions were applicable and operational. Most recently, Bulgarian activists alerted me to a spate of incidents at Pride events carried out by one such far-right group in what appeared to be an attempt to drum up votes in the July parliamentary elections. In many instances, the Agency for Prevention of Corruption did not even pursue an investigation (European Western Balkans, 2021). The Biden administration’s recent decision to reverse its predecessors’ policies and refrain from punishing pipeline participants is not in the United States’ national interest. As a candidate country on its path to joining the European Union (EU), Montenegro is making steady progress. Sat., Sept. 4, 2021 timer 1 min ... Church played a key role in demonstrations last year that helped topple a a long-ruling pro-Western government in Montenegro. But we need politicians who are not afraid to lead by example. In addition, various international companies that conduct accounting and auditing procedures are present in the country. 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