Pros: Most pure and closest to original writings. Excellent index; The extensive study helps! The fact that we have multiple Bible translations to discuss is truly amazing and most languages in the world don’t have this option. While there’s nothing wrong with this, every church should consider the pros and cons of doing sermon-based Bible studies. Some people are quite faithful and think that the bible or other holy books are the most important rules to comply with in order to be a good person. Available only in a 66-book edition. Pros and Cons (RJS) November 30, 2017 RJS Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! What’s the point? More … I *incorrectly* assumed that the CSB would be even better than the HCSB. How can we who died to sin still live in it?” This is pretty easy to understand, but would anyone today use the word, “shall”? I have a regular print size copy but an 8 point just doesn’t cut it. View key Bible passages side-by-side to compare the CSB to the HCSB, NIV, ESV, NLT, and KJV. Using cubits instead of English measurements is a perfect way to confuse the reader to the point of exhaustion. Pros and Cons of Adding a Reference Bible to Your Library. Many creative church members get a chance to use their gifts. How does the translation process impact the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of the Bible? Moving on now, I want to consider this new Bible version, weighing its pros and cons. More so than any other English Bible translation, the NASB seeks to take what was originally said in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek and say the same thing in English. With the goals of increased fidelity to the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts and increased clarity for today’s readers, the Translation Oversight Committee has updated the text of the Holman Christian Standard Bible. Directing Hands. This video, like bible buying 101, talks about pros and cons. I have The Action Bible in my collection, and I do think it's pretty well done. Honorable Mentions: The Message. I found that the CSB does it correctly on both counts which puts a new joy in my heart when I read difficult passages like Exodus 25-40on and Ezekiel 40-48. This Bible includes a page discussing how Bibles are translated which was interesting information. With the CSB, I understand more clearly the first time I read the text. What are your thoughts on the CSB or another translation? ** The Doctrine of Christ. With the CSB, I understand more clearly the first time I read the text. English is my second language, but although I have a combination of NY and Peruvian accent, I speak English better than Spanish (for lack of practice). Pros: Most pure and closest to original writings. The Trinity and the Divinity of … Why use a translation that makes it even harder? Cons: single contributor to the commentary. This Bible includes a page discussing how Bibles are translated which was interesting information. 1:20; 1 Tim. Developed by 100 scholars from 17 denominations, the Christian Standard Bible faithfully and accurately captures the Bible’s original meaning without compromising readability. We have so many great English translations that I usually roll my eyes anytime a new one comes out. Cons: the detailed annotations in line with the text can be intimidating. Too big and heavy (this is not a Bible you’d want to carry around) 2. This is my personal preference and you may disagree. Pros. Hedrick Vs. Hill Debate - Is Jesus God? Is the church's statement of faith consistent with the Bible… Greek text. Cons: Need to be able to read Koine Greek to use it. I can read it with my wife and she understands it. (Note: CSB stands for Christian Standard Bible, a new Bible translation.) However, whenever we would read the ESV together, I constantly found myself rephrasing it in plain language. My sister chose one with nice pictures. Cons: It is not available in bookstores or in an electronic format. Basically what I mean is that reading the Bible, when God begins to work on you, will cause your whole worldview to shift. In addition to a … The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) is taken from certain texts for the New Testament and Old Testament and tries to adhere to the original text as much as possible. MasterWork. Should we continue in sin so that grace may multiply? LOCATION. Comments. Pros and Cons of Bible Translations. Got any artists, actors, crafters, or bakers in your congregation? Required fields are marked *. The pros and cons of consecutive expository preaching. I *incorrectly* assumed that the CSB would be even better than the HCSB. Also, after almost reading through the entire Bible, chunks of pages still stick together. It takes those awkward and formal verses and translates them plainly without paraphrasing. CONTACT US. CSB claims to blend those two ideas together, as a “word for word” translation that only moves to “thought for thought” when necessary for proper understanding. Best study Bible for: those who want to understand the depth and shades of meaning from the original language Unfortunately, when studying it, scholars must keep in mind the problems involved in the process of studying the Hebrew Bible. Cons: Some questionable decisions when dealing with some of Paul’s writings. We wanted to address this topic with a basic overview of how Scripture is translated and some pros and cons … Cloning is believed by many to be the answer people with failing organs have been waiting for. It means…” There were always simpler ways to accurately say it. PROS-You have everything with you everywhere you go.It’s amazing to always feel like your right at home. This site contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. [assumed] the form of a servant” (Philippians 2:5-7, CSB). Moving Hearts. New American Standard Bible - Pros and Cons Probably the greatest strength of the New American Standard Bible is its literalness. What is the Christian Standard Bible (CSB)? The NASB ruins it for the second time by using English measurements which destroys the meaning of the passage. List of Pros of Genetic Cloning . 1000 Words 4 Pages. On June 11, as we begin a new sermon series, Redeemer Church will be moving to the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) as our primary translation. NRSV-PROS- … Christian Standard Bible — Pros and Cons Some claim the Christian Standard Bible is too literal (formal equivalence), and some say it is too free (dynamic equivalence). That’s okay! Since the beginning of my journey with the Lord, I chose to read and study the Bible by using the NASB only. Obviously, we could debate translations for days. Then I will explain some pros and cons. The Bible Christianity Origins The New Testament The Old Testament Practical Tools for Christians Christian Life For Teens Christian Prayers Weddings Share Flipboard Email Print Thomas Northcut / Getty Images Christianity. In Rev. I thought I would share my review of it by first sharing what I consider to be the pros and cons and then my overall opinion at the very end. Pros and cons: The NABRE is a wonderfully readable, yet mostly formal equivalence, translation that, in my opinion, gets the inclusive language issue almost exactly right. There are literally hundreds of them. Previous. It can save lives. This is an unfortunate consequence of a recommendation to get rid of CSBs. Definite conservative Evangelical bias. But I think, much as in the case with Bible-zines, there are pros and cons to the idea of the Bible in comic book form. 5. That way, you can determine whether you are for it or against it. 5:25), and that He gave Himself for individual Christians (Gal. There are literally hundreds of them. 2:11), that Christ was the Substitute for the church (Eph. ESV Bible Pros and Cons. Leather is not the best quality; Block text dips down into the center gutter. 1. Greek New Testament. WOOD SHUTTERING: Shuttering, which is also known as scaffolding, is a basic but complex process of forming construction mold by the shuttering/scaffolding material i.e. I, on the other hand, chose the biggest one I could find. The CSB Study Bible for Women contains: Exhaustive commentary notes; Greek and Hebrew word studies 2 By no means! Bible versions. First of all, let’s look again at the source materials Brian Simmons used for making this version, starting with the edition of the Greek New Testament (hereafter, GNT) he used. Cons. Forin depth study you don't l need a study bible … If there’s a way to say something accurately and simply, why use formal language? Until we learn to serve both the King and others, we will remain lost in the sea of questions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. After 35 years of doing so, I have recently begun to get restless because this particular translation still uses archaic words that we don’t use anymore. It is aimed at a 7th grade reading level. This translation, renamed the Christian Standard Bible, incorporates advances in biblical scholarship and input from Bible scholars, pastors, and readers to sharpen both accuracy and readability. Pros and Cons of Adding a Reference Bible to Your Library. Though a top-notch translation, my frustrations with the ESV are all fixed in the CSB. Facebook 0 Twitter Reddit Tumblr 0 Likes. The NLT helps me understand the ESV and the normal language allows me to read faster. 5. What does it provide that the others don’t? View key Bible passages side-by-side to compare the CSB to the HCSB, NIV, ESV, NLT, and KJV. Translations: NASB, NKJV, KJV, CSB, ESV. The CSB puts it, “The wounds of a friend are trustworthy, but the kisses of an enemy are excessive.” This sounds normal. Greek New Testament. These are the ones I want to use for studying, but the language is either awkward, outdated, or overly academic. Fairly literal but still understandable. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the new CSB Study Bible (Nashville: Holman, 2017) in light of a significant theological discussion among evangelicals, namely Calvinistic theology. Hope that helps! This may sound nitpicky, but it has been very beneficial for my devotional routine this year. The cons include the constant revisions, resulting in lots of confusion among people as to the current text or the status of the text. CSB . As leaders of Dive Collective, we’ve been asked this type of question multiple times: Which versions do we use?Why? Its simple, colloquial style may not be best for reading in church and for memorization. If the holy book says you have to marry, it is your task to comply with those demands without ever questioning them. For what purpose? MasterWork. This is one of the few opportunities for them to contribute to the life of the church. How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth: A Guide to Understanding and Using Bible Versions by Gordon D. Fee & Mark L. Strauss. Attention. Chat. I can spend more time thinking about the meaning of the text instead of learning English vocabulary. It is easy to understand, flows nicely, and is good for study. Your best study Bible if: you want a trusted mentor to help you understand the Bible. New International Version - Pros and Cons ... A Bible translation should take what the Bible says in the original languages and say the same thing in the new language, leaving the interpretation to the reader with the aid of the Holy Spirit. CSB . Show More. Is the King James Version the only Bible we should use. I don’t want to spend my Bible study time looking up words that have simple synonyms. Maintains many of … VERSE COMPARISON CHART. On the other hand, when reading Revelation 21, the original measurements are best left alone because of its symbolical meaning. Reviewed in the United States on November 15, 2006 . The chain reference system- it makes studying Bible topics soooo much easier and it’s very easy to use. Pros. Throughout the history of humanity, there have been an array of theories and mystical stories about what exist after one’s death. Is another one really necessary? Share Flipboard Email Print Thomas Northcut / Getty Images Christianity. Question: What version of the Bible do you prefer? This has always been my biggest frustration with the more literal translations. 2. With so many upsides to accessing God's Word on your phone, why would anyone use paper instead? Four Values in My Preaching Methodology: The Early Years . CSB Apologetics Study Bible. No one else uses it. After a year, I’m glad I switched to the CSB. I left the ESV behind for the CSB (Christian Standard Version). Bible versions. 2 Absolutely not! -No rent. Cons: Some questionable decisions when dealing with some of Paul’s writings. First the pros! Questions. The Pros And Cons Of The Hebrew Bible. In this case, the answer was yes. ” While I may no longer subscribe to the belief that the Bible is inerrant or infallible, I do wholeheartedly still believe that the Bible is Inspired by God. PRO: The Bible reveals to us the life, teachings, and person of Jesus, as well as the movement that began in his name. This was my first time experiencing a study Bible so I was eager to understand what made it so different from any of the Bibles I had experienced in the past. Studying the Bible and trying to figure out the meaning, context, and application of a 2,000-year-old text is hard enough. It explains that "the goal of this translation theory is to produce in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the message expressed by the original-language text—both in meaning and in style. There are many translations of the Bible and one of the most popular translations is the English Standard Version (ESV).. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Obviously, we could debate translations for days. KJV Only movement? 5 October, 2016; Aaron Koh. This has become more obvious to me in the last 3 years since I married my wife. I will attempt to be as unbiased as I can with the comparison of the pros and cons of tithing. Pros and Cons of the Pro-Life Issue– Part Four June 24, 2019 by Ben Witherington Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! When I was about six, my parents took my sister and I to a Christian bookshop to buy our very first Bibles. The CSB follows the same basic translation philosophy as the HCSB, a mediating approach between formal and functional equivalence, similar to versions like the NIV, the NET Bible and the CEB. The language is easy to understand. I have a number of problems with this version. 21, the CSB leaves the original measurements alone which is another plus for me. I come from a background where it was not so common. Pros: It was prepared by a conservative Lutheran scholar. I typically study from the ESV and read from the NLT. As far as study tools and features go, I think this study Bible is exceptional. The pastor is happy with the small group pastor knowing he or she is working in tandem to establish the principles and practices that were unearthed during the sermon. ). What is the hest study bible, I'm constantly asked. Several remarks are in order before beginning this review. THE RAINBOW BIBLE's unique color and underline system is what makes this Bible both attractive and problematic. Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? 2:6; Tit. How can we who died to sin still live in it?” This is much more natural while maintaining the literal nature of the verse. Why choose a word that nobody knows? I’m sorry to say that’s pretty much it for me in terms of favorable observations or “pros” for this Bible version. In the Scottish Highlands, … By no means! The CSB is a lucid translation that still retains much of the syntactical nuances of the Hebrew and Greek texts, whereas the notes and articles themselves are clear and to the point without being just a rewording of other popular study Bibles (e.g. Questions. Adult Bible Study and Children's Sunday School, 9:15am. Brian Simmons is a brother in the Lord with an evangelistic heart. I commonly told her, “This word is only used in the Bible. Pros. In general, I’m beginning to like the CSB above all other translations. The only criticisms I have of the CSB aren’t of the translation itself but the printed Bibles. First, as with any church, a person considering involvement in a megachurch should look at its beliefs. Stephanie says: March 14, 2017 at 5:57 pm. The ESV says, “What shall we say then? 21). These illustrate the changes from the HCSB to the CSB in the context of other leading Bible translations and are made with gratitude for each translation. For the 2012-2013 year, the bonds were paying 0.5% interest. Here are some pros and cons of VBS as I see it. The government has decided to try to get rid of them by attrition: … In looking for a new Bible, I enjoy the HCSB. Like the Good News Bible, the preface of the NLT states that the translation was done in accordance with principles of 'dynamic equivalence.' LOCATION. Pros: 1. Let’s thank the Lord for the grace He has shown us in providing so many faithful translations to choose from. I have even stopped reading the NLT as much, which gives me more time to focus on the passage with my study Bible. The Pros of Tithing. At the time of this writing, I have been a Christian since January 1981 and have used the corrupted versions but was oblivious to their corruption. Instead of going through and listing several changes between the older Amplified Bible and the new for 2015 Updated Amplified Bible, I decided just to show one as a brief example. It is largely based off the works of the KJV translators so may be more likely to be a benefit to people who enjoy the KJV Bible. Cons. No references; Overall this is a nice Bible is you can get it for less than full retail. She is from Peru, where we live, and spoke no English. As leaders of Dive Collective, we’ve been asked this type of question multiple times: Which versions do we use?Why? That your pros will become cons and your cons will become pros. Single Column; Smyth Sewn Binding – lays flat without the need to break in; Large 10pt font and bright white paper for easy reading; Nice size for daily use; Cons. The art is substantially more exciting than the art in the older Picture Bible, published in 1978. If the Bible was written to be understood, then why do so many translations use English in a way that an average person has to think twice about? If you want to equip yourself to defend your faith against skeptics or answer skeptical questions of your own, the CSB Apologetics Study Bible is a great resource. MEET TEAM. Both forms have their pros and cons, and people generally have their own preferences. The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) adopts the traditional approach of not capitalizing pronouns and referents for two primary reasons. Thanks for reading along. MEET OUR TEAM. Question: What version of the Bible do you prefer? (see what I did there…). I just needed something different like in between the formal and the dynamic equivalence. I have an amazing wife and 2 energetic beagles. This, for me, is one of the strongest most compelling reasons why I still return to the Bible over and over again. The Bible teaches that Christ has given Himself for the sins of the world (Jn. The ESV is a wonderful translation and the dozens of Bible options (study, devotional, etc.) No questions about what to give – There is no need to wonder each week what we should give. Pros and Cons Pros. 2220 Anne St NW Bemidji, MN 56601. 2:20). The print is small. PRO: The Bible is Inspired by God CON: It has armed people throughout history to do some really atrocious things in the “name of God. 1. Pros: tools to understand the original Hebrew and Greek words. To begin with, one of the favorable aspects of this work is the motive behind the endeavor. Problems with the CSB. Thus concludes my four part series featuring seven PROS/CONS of reading the Bible. VERSE COMPARISON CHART. However, it was time for me to get a new Bible last year and I did something crazy. Pros: Widely used in evangelical Christianity. The verse we are going to look … No references; Overall this is a nice Bible is you can get it for less than full retail. It has the advantages of both the literal translations and the dynamic translations without the cons. Pros: distinctive resources. First the pros! Pros: It is a sewn binding, so you can actually open it and it stays open. We wanted to address this topic with a basic overview of how Scripture is translated and some pros and cons of the various options. Hi Ali, the CSB is a Protestant Bible translation, so only Protestants were involved in the translation. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! Until we learn to serve both the King and others, we will remain lost in the sea of questions. Hard to find sometimes (frequently out of stock) 3. Church Colby Martin August 10, 2014 bible, jesus, lectio divina, scripture. Your email address will not be published. I’ve personally used it as my go-to study translation for over a decade. Leather is not the best quality; Block text dips down into the center gutter. Why are there so many Bible translations, and which is the best? I think the ESV is the most normal sounding of this genre, but I still find it very tough. 1032 Words 5 Pages. Resources to help Christians grow in holiness & live out the Great Commmisson in practical ways. One thing that drove me up the wall with the NASB95 (By the way, I never liked the ESV) was the way they use the measurement scale in the OT and the NT (Rev. I struggle to flip through and find other passages quickly because of this. Honorable Mentions: The Message. Cons: Need to be able to read Koine Greek to use it. The King James Bible is the only Bible which glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ instead of attacking Him and the doctrines which are untouched in the KJB. CONS-It still isn't a totally uniform translation due to a '86 NT and a '11 OT. As far as study tools and features go, I think this study Bible is exceptional. MEET OUR TEAM. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section! For example, Proverbs 27:6 is poetic but awkward in the ESV, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” Maybe you speak like that and use the word “profuse” in casual conversation, but I sure don’t. For me, this is where the CSB shines. Our RedeemerKids curriculum already uses the CSB, and on June 11 our sermons will as well. The CSB is a trustworthy text for both sermon preparation and serious study, translated straight from the biblical languages by scholars who love God’s Word. The Calvinist only uses the last group of verses to prove limited atonement, but overlooks the verses that teach Christ was the Substitute for every man (Heb. Home; Blog; Books; Top 10; Pros and cons of consecutive expository preaching . timber, plywood, steel, aluminum, plastic, magnesium and fabrics. After several months, I haven’t looked back. There aren't many scholarly helps for this translation--at least compared to the NRSV. Reply. Ultimately van life is a tradeoff of comfort vs freedom but here is my pros and cons list to van life after four years of actually being out there, living it. In this post, we’re going to explore why this Bible is the best Interactive Study Bible, to include pros/cons and the different features of the Bible. In looking for a new Bible, I enjoy the HCSB. The CSB says, “What should we say then? How God talks to us, and works in our lives. She now speaks pretty well and can understand most things when we read the NLT. August 24, 2011 David Murray 21 comments. These illustrate the changes from the HCSB to the CSB in the context of other leading Bible translations and are made with gratitude for each translation. While the number of megachurches has rapidly grown in the past generation, many still question the pros and cons of attending these larger churches. Seemly enough, the afterlife has been a topic that has fascinated the human mind for centuries. The Big Cons of the Canada Savings Bond Payroll Deduction Plan. CALENDAR. It offers a short-term volunteer opportunity. There are pros and cons to everything and sometimes it helps to see the pros and cons to see the possibilities. The called workers of Christ. The Pros And Cons Of The Afterlife; The Pros And Cons Of The Afterlife. The CSB is descended from the HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible), which was first published in 2004, and was in my opinion a solid translation with a few unique elements. Large is only 1 point bigger. Pros of the Red Letter Bible Louis Klopsch, the man who is credited with the concept of the red letter Bible, believed there was one primary advantage to a red letter Bible. I have even stopped reading the NLT as much, which gives me more time to focus on the passage with my study Bible. Stephanie says: March 14, 2017 at 5:57 pm. have been a blessing to the English-speaking world for years. Consecutive expository preaching has become vogue in many churches. The only criticisms I have of the CSB … “Excessive” is so much easier to understand and has the same meaning. Its copyright could be acquired by WELS. ESV Study Bible, Zondervan Biblical Theology Study Bible, etc. NLT. [assumed] the form of a servant” (Philippians 2:5-7, CSB). NLT. Pros: Widely used in evangelical Christianity. The Bible Christianity Origins The New Testament The Old Testament Practical Tools for Christians Christian Life For Teens Christian Prayers Weddings Inspirational Bible Devotions Denominations of Christianity Funerals and Memorial Services Christian … Articles > Pros and Cons of Different Wood Shuttering Materials including Timber and Plywood. The ESV originated from the Revised Standard Version edition of 1971 with the purpose of presenting a new literal translation of the Bible. Another example is Romans 6:1-2. However, I am very disappointed to see that the CSB does not capitalize pronouns for the LORD. If it does offer something unique, is it important enough for me to switch? I found myself doing that a lot with the ESV. Your email address will not be published. So without further ado, here are two Pros and Cons of Reading the Bible. Pros of Vacation Bible School. The 2 Things Every Christian Needs to Study: the Bible and theology, Bible study tip: interpret before jumping to application, Go Deeper into God’s Word with a Printable Bible Study, HE READS TRUTH CSB: A REVIEW – kevin rk davis. I thought I would share my review of it by first sharing what I consider to be the pros and cons and then my overall opinion at the very end. Plus the print is even smaller on some of the maps and charts and sometimes illegi… CON: It has wrongly been used as the Word of God, to replace or trump Jesus, and the church has forgot her roots. Low Interest The single biggest drawback of the program is the pitifully low interest rate currently offered on the bonds. Such a translation attempts to have the same impact on modern readers as the original had on its own audience ... the New Living Translation seeks to be both exegetic… The CSB removes a number of the HCSB’s idiosyncracies, such as the use of “Yahweh” for the tetragrammaton (YHWH). It seems that most of them have pages so thin that there is a lot of ghosting, meaning that you see the words on the other side of the page. The CSB Study Bible for Women contains: Exhaustive commentary notes; Greek and Hebrew word studies Reply. academically, as well as religiously. It isn't in the KJV stream of existing in dialogue with great literature, if that matters to you. The CSB also features extensive footnotes to help the reader understand the original biblical language or how it was translated. The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) is taken from certain texts for the New Testament and Old Testament and tries to adhere to the original text as much as possible. Hope that helps! Informing Minds. The reader of the New Testament would be able to quickly find the words of Jesus and confirm the “authenticity of the Old Testament.”[2] For some readers the red letters make it easier to identify when Jesus is speaking. Hi Ali, the CSB is a Protestant Bible translation, so only Protestants were involved in the translation. The pros and cons of reading the Bible on your smartphone. Small group members are reminded of the main points of the sermon which helps establish … I’m a missionary working with a tribal group in the Amazon Jungle, mainly focusing on pastoral training. Click here for more info. Show More. 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