And Alan's father asked for a psych evaluation, but he was ignored. It is estimated that 2.6 percent of American adults have this disorder, which translates into around 5.7 million people. Fox is an example, and a thoroughly admirable example of how to react. I hate to say it because we never want to talk bad about anyone that we work with-- and I wasn't there, but if that was said to a medical professional, then their wishes should have been complied with immediately. We tell the story of that patient, Alan Pean, and how his delusions lead him to a situation that's just as strange as the worst thoughts his mind is cooking up. Elna Baker scouts stories for our show. Denial, which is the opposite. In December, The Washington Post published the results of a huge, yearlong investigation into police shootings nationwide. As the parent of an adult son with Bipolar Disorder, my heart broke for this family. So basically, you drove yourself to a hospital. We weren't sure if it was the eye or the head. There's nurses and stuff who are putting needles and things into me. He starts to panic. It's like a blind date. That's a muscle relaxant. Alan was briefly hospitalized, diagnosed as possible bipolar and put on anti-psychotic medications for a while. The week before this happened, Alan Pean was starting his last semester at college, in a new school in a new city. But dementia is one possibility. That's a kill shot, so that's-- I don't think too much about it. David Rakoff goes in search of the only existing mementos of a year-and-a-half of his life when he nearly died from Hodgkins Disease. And I look down, and there's these two AC units down there. Dominique says, actually, there's a fair amount of "how was your day" kind of small talk with Alan taking these weird, deep, deep breaths before Alan actually admitted he was having a panic attack. Like other mental illnesses, bipolar disorder doesn’t have a single cause. When it comes to Alan Pean's case in St. Joseph Medical Center, the federal investigation notes that police officers were supposed to be trained to deescalate situations and restrain confused patients. And Alan's lawyers told him not to talk about the details either because the whole thing is going to court. On Alan's arrival at the ER, the first handwritten notes from a resident on duty include that Alan is someone who has manic depression. The facility failed to ensure contract police officers were trained in the use of safe, acceptable health care interventions for confused and aggressive patients. Right. The doctor did come looking for them, according to federal investigators, but they'd already left. You're on a balcony. And meanwhile, for you, you were thinking, but I am my edge. Police turned down our interview request. How do you make sense of that? And we couldn't identify exactly what it was. Well, obviously, you trust your brother, your unit, right? Production help from Lyra Smith. As I said earlier, the story that you're hearing right now is a collaboration between our radio show and The New York Times. And it was quite weird. It's at the hospital that you're supposed to go to. He said that was normal procedure. The edge is-- that's me. Put some water on your face. Now at this particular hospital, calling security usually gets you uniformed guards who don't carry weapons, but also might get you off-duty cops who are on the security team. He went to the patient's room and saw him lying on the floor on his back with a drape over him. According to the report by federal investigators, the nurse confirmed he did ask for a psychiatric evaluation, and she did tell him Alan was going to be discharged. And I call him and I tell him, "hey, man, I'm having a panic attack. In the immediate wake of the shooting, Alan's father says that one of the questions that police asked him over and over was, did Alan have a criminal record? I was told that CEO Mark Bernard declined to answer that question. So what were armed police doing in a patient's room? And--, I'm just trying to picture this. Meaningless coincidences seemed like signals that he was on a secret mission. American Enterprise Institute 1789 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Main telephone: 202.862.5800 Main fax: 202.862.7177 This American Life host Ira Glass (Photo: The coffee-focused segment is seventeen minutes and available below: Listen to the full episode here. This American Life host Ira Glass (Photo: The coffee-focused segment is seventeen minutes and available below: Listen to the full episode here. So I call him, and I try to calm him through it on the phone to try to relax him. He asked if the patient was shot, because of the blood and multiple wounds. If a woman with depression begins talking about killing herself or makes an … The first was in 2008, when he was a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. And yet here I am, discussing it on a national radio show, so obviously my motives are mixed. Julie Snyder is our editorial consultant. That's all she said. I'm a secret agent on a mission to break himself out from behind enemy lines. I'm going to go ahead and get home and continue being productive. The first symptoms typically appear in the late teens or early adult years, though some people may develop the disorder in childhood or later in life. And he might also know that. It's great. Bipolar disorder is a common mood disorder associated with significant disability and impairment in quality of life in adults. I do recall my parents showing up. Bipolar disorder can make everyday activities and life very difficult for the individual. And he sees St. Joseph Medical Center, Houston's oldest hospital, and the only one downtown. Even in his psychotic state, Alan wore a seat belt. And then sometimes people die when they're shocked with tasers. In the hallway--. You want to send a mass email to everybody with Parkinson's just saying, can we all just not talk about this? I'm not a thing with an edge. But denial was very good to him. So after Alan action-heroes his way down the balcony, he makes his way to his car-- not a direct path, of course. So Dr. Pean and his wife figured, OK, no help here. They start asking, Alan, what's wrong? And also, it's part of my sense of who I am. And I don't actually believe it's them. Both were by hospital security. When he chose denial, Mike did feel bad about deceiving other people, not just the general public but also people he knew. Sometimes, during a manic or depressive episode, it is hard for me to fight my way out of the vortex of those symptoms. But she just didn't pay attention. But the medical records do include all kinds of things that could have tipped the staff off about what was really wrong. It gave him eight years of privacy, eight years of relative normalcy. And then--. In New York's hospital system, which has several of the busiest emergency rooms in the country, security carries no weapons. Bipolar disorder is a common mood disorder associated with significant disability and impairment in quality of life in adults. Kimberly Henderson is our office coordinator. The patient started to dance and would not comply. And he moved to Houston with a plan to get things done-- finish school, get to grad school. You're unarmed. Bipolar disorders, or manic-depressive illness, is a group of disorders characterized by the presence of pronounced high-energy phases known as manic … Bipolar disorder type 2 is a lifelong condition with the above signs as indicators to how my mood is going. The next summer, it happened again. Life Insurance Applications for People with Bipolar Disorder The application process for a life insurance policy can take a few days or a few weeks. They locked it, of course. And it was more of a biblical-type deal this time, Alan says, a delusion with demons in disguise, and he was on the verge of being sent to hell. We didn't know if it was maybe a table hitting a wall. They found that last year, officers fatally shot at least 243 people with mental health problems. I have been “suicidal” most of my life, and have made several attempts. So why are hospitals turning to police? But it's not so much like--. When Your Hospital-Borne Infection Is a Bullet, “No Time for Dreaming” by Menahan Street Band, Act One: I Used To Bank Here But That Was Long, Long Ago. I f you have bipolar disorder, you may worry about your chances of getting a reasonable life insurance policy.. Life insurance with bipolar disorder may not be offered at the best rates in some cases, but you will likely not be turned down for insurance because of it.. Bipolar disorder is a common condition, affecting over 5.5 million Americans every year. I'm driving. I'm going to go finish that. These calculations are based on data for individuals at the age of 15 years. You don't want a patient to grab the gun. Two stories of the brain working for and against its owners. I ran CEO Mark Bernard's statement, quote, "If it should happen today, they would not have done anything different," by Alan's father. Bipolar disorder is one of several mental and physical health conditions associated with an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and cardiovascular heart disease. I heard you say it like that. And he was like, "oh, OK. Well, put some cold water on your face. You see it all day. To paraphrase an old saying, guns in hospitals don't kill people. That's totally crazy. Yes. And the staffer I interviewed, whose voice we're replacing with an actor's, said you could hear it from outside Alan's hospital room. Michael Kinsley is a contributing columnist for Vanity Fair and the Washington Post.His articles on denial and living with Parkinson's are here and here. His computer, he thought, was not his computer. The investigation behind the retraction is the subject of episode 460, "Retraction." And I was like, "all right, OK. The story I'm about to tell you is one that we put together in collaboration with The New York Times, last year. He was talking about the benefits of self-deception and secrecy. Yeah. We don't walk around with guns. They locked it. You will live to floss long into the future. Did they shoot him? I don't really remember-- for me, it was like I was in the car, and the next thing I know, the car has crashed, and I'm falling out. We decide to fly right away, yeah, 6:45. That's because police saw him as a criminal. So innocent statements said to him, like "I don't know anybody in Houston who can come over to your apartment," Alan inserts into the delusion. Well, we have nothing else to talk about, Nancy. And there's no mention of phone calls that his brother Christian and his father say they made at 1:00 AM and 1:14 AM, respectively, to alert the hospital about Alan's psychiatric issues-- though that's not unusual that phone calls like that wouldn't be mentioned in the chart. Elisabeth is also a doctor and has worked in hospitals, but none that allowed guns. According to the report by federal investigators, St. Joseph is now limited where police officers can go in the hospital to peripheral areas. In Alan's mind, he's still on his mission, which is evolving. This is Act Two of our show. ; Penina Davidson, Former college basketball player at University of California-Berkeley. Most of that violence is against hospital staff. And I mean, that was the first time I'd ever seen what taser lines look like-- just a bunch of wires coming from him. And when he does, before you get to the very interesting story about how he ended up with a bullet in his chest, it's also incredibly interesting to hear him describe the day that led up to the shooting, because during that day, over the course of just a few hours, basically his mind slipped away from him. Bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain that we were born with. The patient came out of his room naked four to five times. He thought this controller somehow switches on a processor inside of him. He was told to go back to his room, and the nurse would come in to assist him with his gown. I don't think it's them. I took that as code. And a big reason we know that is because other people with Parkinson's-- the confronters, not the deniers-- are talking about it. The patients were followed prospectively with ongoing assessments of stressful life events, symptoms, levels of maintenance medication, and compliance with treatment regimens. It's still on their website. And it's interesting. Large. In other words, two or three people out of 100 have this disorder. Research is much less clear when it comes to younger people. Bipolar Disorders. I'm going to read you a little bit from the 50-page report issued by federal investigators. I thank God that I didn't hurt anyone else there. The response was that the patient was tasered. Because of that, almost universally guns are banned from state mental hospitals in the United States. He's about to address the nation. But Elisabeth looked for that as well by digging through old police blotters, court documents, news accounts, and surveys, and found over a dozen cases, most of them mentally ill patients. Maybe that's a crazy way to look at it. Little research has examined the impact of the disorder on quality of life in children and adolescents. And they said it's just dime-sized. And he ignored each person's advice in turn because every person was saying the same thing-- no more denial. Lots of hospitals now have police and ex-military doing security with guns. The original Trouble Coconut Club is located at 4033 South Judah in San Francisco's Outer Sunset neighborhood, with hours from 7am until 7pm daily. And he said he tried not to lie outright. The cognitive issues vary a lot from person to person, and they're still being researched. It's called "Have You Lost Your Mind?" Later, when federal investigators asked Alan about the shooting, he said, quote, "He forgave the police officers. I would think outrage. You trained for this. Thanks to a couple of them, he ended up at the Cleveland Clinic to get brain surgery, basically because his friends had been badgering him to go there and see a doctor who was surgically placing electrodes in the brains of people with Parkinson's to help slow down the progress of the disease's physical symptoms. We get hit. Women with bipolar disorder are especially vulnerable to suicide. Or, as Mike has cheerfully written over the years, Parkinson's gives you a decent chance for something else to get you first. It depends on who's available. I'm having a panic attack. Or why should you use your weapon? OK, I know it's a cliche, but the mind, it is powerful. A few small studies reported efficacy of lithium and valproate in later-life bipolar depression-lamotrigine and adjunctive aripiprazole may also be helpful. This, by the way, is not standard hospital procedure, I was told. But they don't always do it so well. Please check the corresponding audio before quoting in print. Instead it has a variety of causes, called risk factors. In this act, writer Michael Kinsley describes harnessing the power of his own mind to deal with his Parkinson's diagnosis. It was too real. Eight years after the brain surgery, Mike wrote another essay about Parkinson's in The New Yorker. And I look down. So there's two cases, one in Utah and one in Ohio, where patients were actually killed after repeated tasering. Yes, well, we've got the New Hampshire primary. Yeah. I'm Ira Glass. He doesn't say what he's really thinking, which is that he's in greater and greater danger if he stays at his apartment, that there are snipers outside watching the front of the building, that if he walks out his front door he'll get shot, and they're moving in. Bipolar disorder need not ruin your life: many people who manage bipolar disorder responsibly are married, have families, work, study and pursue pastimes of their choice. Same room. And I'm thinking, are these people out of their minds? No, I don't know. And when you're at the hospital, you said explicitly, you're having a manic episode. And sometimes there had been a lot of thought put into the process. I try not to, I think, actually, honestly. And that opened my eyes in a way that I sort of never want it to. In the week before the surgery, denial-- carefully executed not thinking-- was my only goal. Correct. And that is not what happened. And they wanted to make sure you were up for this. And it's working. Last Updated: 14 Jan 2021. When the doctor began to assess the patient, somebody mentioned that he was shot.". The nurse stated at this time, the patient was calmly responsive. As I began my taper of the final drug just this past November, and just as importantly, as I had truly shed the brace of the bipolar identity that had become a prison, one of my best, oldest friends told me on the phone that my voice had changed. Mental Health America understands that racism undermines mental health. I live with Bipolar disorder. We know the cops were not in that room for long, a few minutes at most. They would drive Alan back home to McAllen and get psychiatric help there. Therefore, we are committed to anti-racism in all that we do. In that time, he said, the way he had chosen to use his mind, his deliberate strategy for dealing with Parkinson's, had been denial. He lost a third of the blood in his body. In this episode of My Life With, we follow two people living with Bipolar Disorder in New York, to show the realities of living between two extremes. OK. And you're full-on delusion? And St. Joseph is a big downtown hospital. The doctor says he took the drape off the patient and saw he was handcuffed. Well, it was sort of a slippery slope. I told the nurse that I'm a physician from McAllen, internal medicine. It's not totally clear what happened inside the room. Too dangerous. Adult participants (N = 482) with bipolar I or II disorder were enrolled in a comparative effectiveness study across eleven study sites and completed baseline measures of medical and psychiatric history, current mood, quality of life, and functioning. You don't want guns in psychiatry wards for common sense reasons. Seth Lind is our operations director. And I was like, "what?" The St. Joseph staffer that I talked to said it's hard to understand why. He doesn't stop. Bipolar disorder is one of several mental and physical health conditions associated with an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and cardiovascular heart disease. You find out what's going on. This is good. You're on the third floor. Alan doesn't tell his dad or his brother that he's having delusions. One of Alan's closest friends is a cop. Well, I can take it. This American Life is produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago and delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange. As I called around to different hospitals, there was no pattern to this. First of all, if someone's delusional and two cops walk into the room, it's a normal reaction for that patient that's having delusions, or that psychotic, to react violently. I didn't know what I thought a delusion would be like. They have to do it on the street all the time. Take a left, and there I am. His name is Alan Pean. But it was all over the floor. I finally have my group ready to go. You're manic right now. According to the DSM 5, Bipolar I Disorder is characterized by one or more manic episode or mixed episodes (mixed episodes involve mania and depression) accompanied by episodes of depression alone (without mania or hypomania). That's right. Elise Bergerson's our business operations manager. I'm driving, and I'm having these thoughts, like, that place is about to explode. Then Alan is so incoherent, making so little sense, that the attending physician notes in the chart that he can't get Alan to describe his medical history or even a basic rundown of his symptoms. And sometimes, in fact, there seemed to be very little thought. And let's get right to it. Bipolar disorder can be difficult to diagnose, but there are signs you can look for. Median age of onset is 25, but one study showed that 10 percent of new cases occur after age 50. Today's program, "My Damn Mind." Doubled. The doctor saved his life. My life revolves around the task of swallowing pills and doing everything I can to … It was so contentious that I recorded an interview with this hospital staffer, and to protect their identity, we have replaced the person's voice with an actor saying the exact same words. Now, Alan had had delusional episodes before-- two times. I have been an RN for 10 years and am currently working towards my master's degree - FNP. A staffer at St Joseph Medical Center in Houston finds a patient shot on the floor of his room. But what he cannot understand is why police officers were in his room, when he was an ill patient trying to get well.". What 2020 Taught Me about Life & Bipolar. The type of life insurance coverage you are applying for, as well as the information you provide during … Michael Kinsley is a contributing columnist for Vanity Fair and The Washington Post. The hospital's funding was threatened. In this case, though, it is about a man harnessing that power for a constructive purpose of his own. Right. But the best person in the world's sympathy is going to be limited. The simple fact is that life in recovery with bipolar disorder is boring because much of life, in general, is mundane. Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder: A 4-Step Plan for You and Your Loved Ones to Manage the Illness and Create Lasting Stability by Julie A Fast and John Preston | Sep 26, 2006 4.6 out of 5 stars 374 But there are some things we know for sure. So that would be standard procedure for a patient who's sick, instead of sending their doctor, send police officers and shoot them. Well, for one thing, violence in hospitals has also nearly doubled in that same period. After years of struggling with something I couldn’t define, I was diagnosed in April of 2018. It's the third-story balcony. You're not ever coming to--. I’m also African American and grew up poor in a low income neighborhood. Yeah. At that time, Officer Law deployed his conducted energy device--" that's the taser-- "which had no apparent effect on the suspect who continued to assault the officers. It can affect your thinking. But it was the choice I made. I don't understand it. Coming up, consciously telling yourself things that you know are not true as a way to use your mind and its power. He is a human. There Is More to My Life Than Bipolar Disorder. And someone has to go upstairs to see if the light comes on. Remember, he's morphing into Barack Obama. Both were psychiatric patients. I don't remember-- I don't recall dancing, but I do know that I was going out there because whenever I finished taking my showers, well, where's the suit? I mean, can you believe a CEO saying that? That was when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder II. So I was like, take a deep breath-- in, out. Now his dad knows none of that. And I didn't think about it nearly as long as I should have. More than 3.3 million American adults (1.7%) suffer from bipolar disorder in a given year. If you have trouble accessing any of APA's web resources, please contact us at 202-559-3900 or for assistance. So I'm trying to play on the game, but it's like my wires start getting crossed. OK. And they screw your head to the table so it won't move while the surgery is happening right? And it seems more likely. Those come up negative, except for marijuana, which can linger in the body for weeks. Yeah. Alan hangs up on his brother. Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that can be managed with a variety of treatments, but left untreated with no medication makes bipolar disorder more dangerous. He had a taser on his upper chest. Remember, he's just moved to town that month. You try and talk to them to see if they're safe to approach or not. The surgery did what it was supposed to. OK, ma'am. And you know, it's like, we were in the quad, and I'm walking out to go to my car. That's what I'm trying to say, like an adrenaline high, and it's just--. That's what they do. His dad is friends with cops. Someone said to me-- and I think this is true. 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