Any roles mentioned are not out of the ordinary to how the Aztecs fight so should not be too foreign to the soldiers. Artillery will be situated 50 meters behind the soldiers that are 400 meters behind the first half of the battalion. Imagine Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Hermes all gathered up to discuss if humans are worth saving or not. Crisis committees are a great way for adventurous Model UN students to break out of their comfort zone and take on dynamic challenges related to important global topics. If Boba is caught or his location is compromised, he should escape as quickly as possible.”. The type of committees can vary greatly. This is important because crisis can get hectic and the backroom can lose valuable time in trying to understand what you are talking about. MUN Crisis Directives are written requests which are sent to, read by and approved, or denied, by the crisis staff (AKA Backroom). These directives often need chair approval is the chair is the leading character. This way we can attack rapidly, and be harder to hit. Public directives are the central product of crisis committees; they embody a shorter, more targeted version of the 15+ page resolutions that you would find in a General Assembly committee. Not all backrooms punish in such a way but the simple difference “eat my food” and “taste my food” reaffirms that we should give our wording a second scan before sending it off. Given standard equipment and armour. Every once in a while, a few kids are to actually be taught dancing and sports to avoid suspicion. Under my authority as Commander, USPACOM, move the following ships from the US base in Yokosuka, Japan to 15 nautical miles NE of the Straits of Malacca in the South China Sea: They will be moved on the 15th of September, 2015 at 21:30 (GMT+9), They will patrol the area and protect oil trade to the Philippines, a close US ally, Signatures, with portfolios of all signatories (Note: In different committees, the Chair may require different numbers of signatories, anywhere from three to half the committee), Demonstrate innovative ideas that the rest of the committee isn’t thinking of, Position yourself as the leader of the idea, and defend it against opposition, Pass it as a committee to positively impact the crisis with your ideas. This is extremely important, both early on and late in the crisis. Advance Directive, or b. If you do not have capacity to make treatment decisions at the time the Mental Health Advance Directive will end, the Advance Directive will stay in place until you are able to make treatment decisions. MUN Crisis Directives are written requests which are sent to, read by and approved, or denied, by the crisis staff (AKA Backroom). Note: This applies to Skull Knights as well but within their class. the crisis be resolved faster and, more importantly, better If a crisis isn’t properly addressed the first time, just remember that it may come back in the future. Main Components of a Solid Crisis […] An information request can be about how much money you have or if your letters can go beyond enemy lines. The director will pause debate to have the committee react to the crisis (questions, etc). Short Directive Example II“To quell further protests, bread will be distributed to civilians using our loyalist collaborators as distributors who will also be instructed to select only the innocent and collaborating neighborhoods. His camp is in the Teke region and the assassins should infiltrate at night. They will fire upon the, Gatling guns will be put on strategic positions around the army to rain down a rapid fire of death upon the soldiers that rush at us. It also likely builds upon previously approved directives to give an established solid base for the plan. We will then be able to launch the revolution within a few dozen minutes, so that the local police forces will not have time to respond. Is there a contingency plan? Example of Correspondence Between Characters(Second Schleswig War crisis). To start things off, a new class of citizens is to be created who will be known as the ‘Deghans’. For example, a Historical Model UN crisis could simulate Peter the Great’s Advisory Council to the Tsar in 1710, the fall of the Roman Republic in 509 BCE or the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. After receiving a new crisis update, the committee will launch into moderated debate over what a proper response to the crisis looks like. The next example shows the progression from poorly written one-liner to well-written step by step plan that leaves the minimum open to interpretation. When in the thick of it, don’t be afraid to remind the backroom of what already happened. Joint-Directives are essentially Personal Directives written by two or more people. Instead, use the information you know about them and write a plan. This directive is more developed but insufficiently clear. They are often large scale directives, like battle plans or taxation reforms. They should report back to me as soon as possible but they are to be stationed in Tizatlan from now on and will remain there with their cover until I instruct otherwise.”. The pikemen and melee infantry are to protect the cannons with defensive squares and heavy lines. This is especially true if you want to be the leader of you cabinet and someone else, chair or otherwise, is already in that position. As a result, the news update said that the character was getting frail due to malnourishment and starvation because the taster ate all of their food. This is an example of a crisis arc we designed for the Game of Thrones committee at MMUN. The Republican Revolutionary army has won a decisive battle against oppression and obscurantism, thus paving the way for a new brighter future for our Nation. For example, if you have troops in region A, and want to move them to region B, it’s better to remind the backroom that they already approved this. Information RequestThe most basic of directives is the information request, which is a matter of getting numbers and other data. b. Some of the actions you will want to achieve through directives will be complex and require multiple steps. Sometimes dice are rolled. These soldiers are to be recognized by the large spears they carry. It is up to the General supervising the brigade whether a troop should move up the ranks or not. MUN Crisis is a specialized committee of quick decisions and fast-paced action where a lot can happen quickly. This can be with charts, and often uses some kind of map (either google maps, or on a piece of paper). Poorly written directive abuse is especially frequent later in the crisis when the backroom is overworked and looking to make examples of errors. Example of a Spying Directive(Aztec Civil War Crisis)Creating a Spy School“I send instructions to start a school of elite sports and dancing. These directives are usually used to improve your character’s position in the committee, so they often need to be kept secret from other participants, as your advancement could be at their expense. These directives can be used to further the cabinet interest, your personal interest, or both. When your idea is clear the backroom can properly evaluate your plans. When the main course arrives, I pay attention to which side of the knife is poisoned and cut the meat from the middle. Cavalry is meant to be used as a counter to take down opponents rushing cavalry that many attack Gatling guns, infantry and artillery. Then you might want to send that spy to work as castle staff to learn everything about the security around the jewels. Are you new to Crisis MUN […] Just like in any Model UN Committee, the goal is to sponsor (write) as many strong directives as possible. ... two to approve directives and create updates. For example, if there is gas shortage crisis, national cabinets could enact rationing and price control measures by passing a Public Directive. They are good against enemy hand units but only from a distance and largely use ‘hit-and-run’ strategies. This is extremely important, both early on and late in the crisis. This does not mean that long directives don’t have their place. Through these measures, I expect all piracy against commercial and military vessels in the area to cease, and any pirates to be captured and reported to me. What resources does each citizen own? The classes are as follows: Coyote Runner, Macehualtin, Puma Spearman, Arrow Knight, Eagle Runner Knight, Jaguar Prowl Knight, Warrior Priest, and Skull Knight. The infantry will be categorised in battalions of 800 men. Example of Press ReleaseThis type of press release is used to influence the masses or NPCs. This helps ensure they are not carrying a vast sum of money when they are moving. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. The priests and any high authority religious figures are to be exempt from paying any taxes. (quick reminder, please remember that they have a poison that will enable them to kill themselves rather than being exposed). Once the plans are explained, the backroom do the crisis math and decide on an outcome. Individual goals are used to further the personal interest of your character. Furthermore, committee directives, communiqués, and press releases will be voted on following assembly voting procedure. hbspt.cta.load(2566615, 'a5f374b8-41e2-42a3-ae48-85536d586288', {}); hbspt.forms.create({ For example, a Minister of the Interior may send a note to the Crisis Room requesting to place police officers on patrol in front of the house of another delegate to investigate who enters and leaves. An active and competent delegate likely has defenses that you’ll need to overcome. They are to be recognized by their heavy armor and weaponry and ornaments made out of bones. Line infantry fire If musketeers and line infantry, such as skirmishers and fusiliers, the engage troops are to fire in lines each turn to ensure there is a constant stream of fire. If Boba is caught, or his location his compromised, then he should focus on getting out of Bothawui as fast as possible. Switching from general assembly to crisis can be stressful, but there are a few ways to ensure you survive your first crisis … These spies will be referred to as An’givare from now on in letters and communication. These assassins are dressed is black to go unnoticed in the dark. The Aztec Army mainly consists of infantry troops and we will split them up into certain classes. Work with the crisis team; not against it. No one can see them except the backroom (unless someone is spying on you) and only you can see the responses. You will know that have been approved either because you got a direct reply from the crisis backroom, or you saw something in the crisis news. Who should be the one to do the action? This additional help will reinforce the French and American soldiers already engaging in this war for freedom and equality. Once you receive information, exploit it to create a successful plan and cover your tracks. The rules for effective directive writing are below. Requesting a Press ReleaseBefore you use the press to your advantage, make sure that you know your abilities, limitations and goals. These soldiers are to be recognized by their ceremonial clothing. Got it? Legendary troops will be paid 1.5x their regular wage. Rendition 3 – Well-Written and Clear “Boba Fett should go to Bothawui. The Deghans will be from middle-upper class backgrounds and they will be chosen by me personally to ensure their loyalty. Capacity is the basic ability to understand your Once he has identified relevant targets, Boba is to lure them to a secluded area in the shipyards with a promise of further information about imperial movements that can be given only in private. Whilst they are predominantly ranged, each Macehualtin also carries a melee weapon in case an enemy gets close. Their goal is to try and gather as much information as possible on Xicotencal I and Xicotencal II. The distance between the troops leaves a lot of room, which lessens casualties from artillery and rifle fire. One way of knowing if your writing is to the point, or how much information to put in a directive, is to imagine that you are the one receiving the orders. Specializing in raiding settlements, kidnapping people, and scouting nearby areas. Now that we know what directives are and what they are supposed to look like, we can move on to the types of Model UN Crisis directives and see examples of each. Eighty years after the first French Revolution of 1789, a new outburst of freedom and pride has wiped out the illegitimate bonapartist institutions. I shall personally be leading these troops to ensure morale is high and I shall be well armored and carrying my legendary sword, which I have named Bolivar’s Bane. The city is also to be bombarded from all directions once the defences have been destroyed by our slowly encroaching artillery. You do not need to go into overly specific detail. This would hallmark a historic step forward of global economic integration in an age of industrialization. Crisis Notes (Personal Directives) A crisis note, also known as a personal directive, is a document written by a delegate to the crisis staff with specific instructions or questions about the scenario. I shall send them into the battlefield of Mohacs to recover the bodies of the fallen nobles, as it would secure me trust within the Habsburg cabinet, which will be of great benefit until we can launch the destruction from within. Good. Model United Nations of the University of Chicago - Since 1988 How to Write Crisis Notes (Personal Directives) Crisis Notes are the dominant medium for taking individual action in committee by using your portfolio powers. This is the only way to win the war, or at least the battle. “Today begins a new era for the People of France. Once the factory is secured, we will send a group of engineers to each factory to determine the resources we will need to restart the factory.Before the troops are dispatched, a group of 50 scouts will be sent on Speeder Bikes to determine the factory’s exact location. and either point out, agitate, or divert the attention of other delegates to a given crisis. Signed: Minister of Commerce, Minister of Culture, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Model United Nations Institute Crisis Program. As Darth Vader, I will stay where I am and thus Ozzel will mainly be overseeing this operation.”. Try to fill in as many plot holes as possible without writing an essay. Apparently, the sleazy doge of Venice was the one who bought two lands near the Holy Roman Empire – eastern cantons of Switzerland and southern Denmark are now the doge’s personal territory. A position paper will still be required for all delegates to complete prior to the conference. What is most important is that the practical steps are in place and your requests are clear. Also, a different group of Legendary Skull Knights will be transporting money each week.”. Writing “Move my troops equipped with weapon X from region A to region B” will go a long way in reducing response time. Warrior Priest – Soldier medics. We have the military advantage attacking the city as the enemy cannons cannot attack from within the city walls and the wall cannons do not have the range to fight off long ranged culverin and lil bombard fire. If the city is taken quickly, Napoleonic square formations are to be utilised to combat enemy troops. To start things off, a new class of citizens is to be created who will be known as the ‘Deghans’. You make a new Mental Health Advance Directive. Crisis directives should be as short or as long as you need them to be to get the message across. The sultan orders them to provide him with information about their numbers, equipment, cavalry, infantry ratio, where they are located, and where they are headed. They will be connected to the ground with strong iron cords to get them back to the ground, so that the information can be delivered when the spotters are back down. Until further orders, they will be spotting the ones who are willing to return to their homeland, the ones who are open to being bribed, and the ones who are willing to pursue their personal interests over Crusader interests. Notes are individual actions enacted solely by the delegate, while directives are team actions that the committee decides to … Training of any sort will be provided to those who need it. If the city is taken quickly, Napoleonic square formations are to be utilised to combat enemy troops. Crisis Model UN is becoming even more popular every year, with thousands of imaginative delegates working together to solve dynamic crises. The ranks are Standard, Champion, and Legendary. Because they have had espionage techniques they are very agile and efficient. Puma Spearman – Aztec Pikemen. Culverins and lil bombards are to be maneuvered and bombard the spiked defences and city cannons. Previous post: Submit a Design in the Best Delegate T-Shirt Design Contest! Today, you have fought for your freedom.Today, you have the power to choose your future and that of your children.Today, you shall rally the Republican movement for the greater good of your Nation. Jaguar Prowl Knight – Powerful shock infantry. Ozzel is the closest to the station, thus he will send 500 troops to secure the factories and ensure there are no rebels lurking about. If it is possible, enlist Philipp Friedrich Alexander, Prince of Eulenburg, one of my many brothers, to build a strong relationship with the Crown Prince Frederick III. Shortcuts, vague statement, jumbled sentences and typos will cost you (often in a humorous and horrible outcome for you, both in equal measure). AssassinationsAssassination usually require two stages – the set up and the execution. The spear should outrange any maces or swords the enemy might have and any cavalry units the enemy might have. Some directive forms will let you choose what you are trying to do, while others will have you write the directive purpose in the subject in free text. This exchange would involve the exchange of military weapons (ONLY WEAPONS, NOT SOLDIERS) too, highlighting that both nations are allied in their fight against the evil of Imperial hegemons worldwide, and are prepared to protect themselves against any threats, thereof. 5. So essentially, the citizens who are the wealthiest will end up paying the most taxes. That being said, they will be instructed and taught how to fight and should be able to hold their own in combat. I will need a guarantee that my agents won’t be disturbed. Historical crisis are usually limited to print media, with an even more limited spread when societies are mostly illiterate or before the invention of the printing press. “You have to do crisis.” When I started doing MUN, I was told this by several delegates. These soldiers are to be recognized by a coyote or wolf pelt. The Initial Build-Up (beginning of a plan)When you start a plan from scratch, it is important to set up the foundation for the plan. Poorly written directives will result in defeat or even character death. Nations all over the world are backing our revolution against the treacherous Bonapartist government. Directives are similar to resolutions in traditional committees, with the notable exception that they do not include preambulatory clauses and are much shorter and more concise. Priests, marching bands, standard bearers and drummers are to be distributed throughout the army to ensure morale is also kept high alongside inspirational speeches and words from commanding officers. portalId: "2566615", SIGNED: Commander Harper, US Pacific Command, *Branding Tip- Write your notes on colored paper so the crisis staff always knows its you, and you can keep track of your notes as they circulate through the room! "Learning how to swim by being thrown into the deep end of a pool." I have taught him over the years the imperative verbal skills necessary to be persuasive, friendly and charismatic. However, there was a typo and the directive read ““A lookalike should sheep in my tent.” The news update painted a very different picture from the intended life protection move, and the character in question was the target of sheep related jokes for the rest of the crisis. The assassins are well trained so they should be able to move silently. Directives can take the form of a simple directive, a press release or a request for information. Directives are much shorter than resolutions, typically between 1-2 pages when first written (before any mergers). Make sure to have the key details as you write instructions the reader can follow. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Picture This Simulation (Second Schleswig War crisis)After buying the Gutenberg press machine en masse, I shall continue with my plans.Step 1: I will use my family’s merchant connections to bring the publications with the headline on the first page – an anonymous press release that cantons of Switzerland and southern Denmark were bought by the doge of Venice, so as to not disclose it was all part of my transactions. Continuation / Final Execution. Examples: General Motors Board of Directors (1950), Cabinet of Timor Leste (2002), Roman Republic (1849) Once he has identified a worthy target, Boba is to kidnap them and bring them to Palpatine or Vader to be interrogated (let us know when he has captured someone so we can decide who they will go to). They can be sent on paper, via email, google forms or through software specifically designed for MUN crisis. There can also be personal directives within the cabinet interest, such as an intelligence gathering, which can than be relayed to everyone once you get the necessary information. This is to confuse anyone who happens to intercept my letters or messengers. For example, you do not need to write obvious points such as, carrying food or basic life necessities. Modern era crisis simulations allow us to utilize broadcasting networks and the internet. Directives are not required to contain operative or preambulatory clauses. These soldiers are to be recognized by wearing a cotton vest. The enemy troops will effectively be fish in a barrel and will die alongside the civilians as unfortunate collateral damage. The. TO: Admiral of the 7th Fleet, Thomas Fitzwallace. As mentioned above, Legendary Skull Knights will be the best of the best troops who will be extremely well paid so it is not expected from them to skim off the top with the taxes. Along with having classes, another layer to the military will be ranks within the classes. To ensure that my brother does not turn on me or spill information that he is not supposed to, I have manipulated him using my charismatic diplomatic skills and persuasive bravado without him being aware of what I am trying to do. Personal directives are between you and the backroom. The main revolutionaries – Deak and Kossuth – will be on the top of the wanted persons list. While Crisis Notes are how you take individual action, Directives are how you take committee action, instead of long-form resolutions. Main Components of a Solid Committee Directive The forward lines of 10,000 musketeers are to stay out of range of the defensive cannons whilst the reinforcements will reinforce the flank and protect our artillery whilst the reinforcements from Guyana will protect the rear with a mirroring formation. The rest will linger nearby and quietly dispatch of any patrols or followers nearby. *THESE NEGOTIATIONS ARE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL BETWEEN THE TWO NATIONS*”, SpyingThe key difference between a spying directive and an information request is that a spying directive requires a wet up while an information request does not. Directives use active verbs to suggest urgency. These soldiers are to be recognized predominantly by their large spears. They will attack when all other troops that have taken over Chemnitz have been well-rested and re-supplied. The elite Habsburg Mercenaries are to act as the element of surprise alongside the heavy cavalry, Alba Cavalry and the Legion of Doom who are to carry out a cavalry charge wearing winged helmets and feathered wings at their back to appear large and intimidate the enemy and lower their morale. A few days later, he will die and I will feign to be very ill. (Tilsit division, Koningsberg infantry, Danzig infantry, Gnuesen infantry, Dresden Gatling guns (only 230), Koningsberg Cavalry, Rastenburg Grenadiers, Danzig cavalry, Danzig grenadiers, Thorn cavalry, Brouberg cavalry). Property, trees, land, etc. A delegates motions a directive to the floor and 1/3 of delegates must support it. The Press Release Would Go as Follows:“Juicy gossip is circulating around! Submit a Design in the Best Delegate T-Shirt Design Contest. formId: "d88bd03d-712e-4d5b-9437-4ceabf57768b" At the same time, crisis directives are not rocket science. Example Of Missing Word ExploitationOne directive for personal protection said “A food taster should eat my food”. Delegates are presented with a crisis, then write notes, directives, communiques, individual action portfolios, and press releases in committee to attempt to resolve the crisis. Directives are what drive the story forward. These soldiers will come from religious backgrounds and will focus on healing fellow soldiers in combat if they are injured and will be used to pray to the Gods for the soldiers if needed be. As they are elites, normal soldiers will not be able to join and the requirement is to be fiercely loyalty to myself and at least 7 confirmed captures in their battle record who were used as sacrifices. Directives Directives act as a replacement for Draft Resolutions when in Crisis committees, and are the actions that the body decides to take as a whole. As can be seen from the guide above, crisis directives are not a matter of simply throwing some words on a form. Main Components of a Solid Committee Directive, Through these steps, we hope to stem the humanitarian crisis in our country and regain the trust of the public. A title, and c. Habsburg officers experienced in fighting Napoleon will have knowledge of the tactics required to use these battle formations.”, In order to improve the economy of Mexican, a new tax system is to be put in place where the taxes will be more fair and consistent. Joint-Directives: Joint-Directives are actions two or more delegates seek to do outside of the committee setting. S pe c i a l C om m i t t e e Me c ha ni c s These are functions of the crisis specific to your committee. In short, be as clear and concise as you can to get the message across, create a step-by-step plan, don’t mix multiple ideas into a single directive, refer to previous directives and use exact numbers. To be most effective, you need to balance pragmatism, your long term goals and how you see your character developing. As they are trained to move very quickly, they should be hard to hit by any artillery or ranged units. Example of Short Information Request (Second Schleswig War crisis) “Regarding my mistress – I would like to receive un update on my mistress, namely I would need the following information: name, what family she comes from, occupation, age, hobbies, her closest friends, siblings, children, ancestors living and the reputation of her family name. Directives are your main tool for affecting the crisis. In the latter cases, make sure the main idea of the directive is clear from the beginning. Within this Economic Union, the two states would engage in tariff-free trade, without any barriers to the exchange of goods, people or ideas. When the body passes a directive (a resolution for Crisis Committees), its effects and results are … Just like in any Model UN Committee, the goal is to sponsor (write) as many strong directives as possible. Also, rumor has it that the highly wanted by the Habsburg Venetian diplomat Alvise Gritti, is going to transfer to one of these cantons – St. Gallen to party hard.”. He should gain their trust by supplying them with information about the location of the imperial star destroyers in the sector that we will provide. I offer Cuitláhuac the meat cut from the side which was exposed to the poison and take the normal cut myself. What is Capacity? Eagle Runner Knight – Very fast moving ranged infantry. Once a few An’givare are trained, send them to Tizatlan disguised as cocoa bean merchants. Specializing in taking out enemy infantry. All Rights Reserved | Site design by Hibiscus Creative on Thesis, Memorable Title (can be funny or serious, but needs a name), Addressee (Somebody under your command, or just their title), Specific orders or actions that you would like to see undertaken, What you expect/hope will be the result (So the Crisis Staff can figure out what the result will be if they don’t understand your goal), Demonstrate expertise and thorough planning to impress Crisis Staff, Clearly state what you want, and why, so they can decide to grant or deny it, Do it so well that the crisis staff is afraid to shoot you down without good reason. Write crisis Notes and directives - Duration: 4:46, it is easier to send spy... Does not mean that long directives mun crisis directives examples ’ t be afraid to remind the backroom they need to enable disable... 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