Who needs training? Provider agencies using an alternate EVV system should inquire with their vendor about training specific to that system. These webinars will review upcoming changes to your current EVV system. Log in with your credentials Username Password Log In . A training link is sent to provider agencies from Sandata as part of the alternate EVV certification process. Their training is different based on their roles and the tools they use for EVV: IRIS consultant agencies (ICAs) and the IRIS self-directed personal care (SDPC) agency need information to answer questions. IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct) FEAs need to know how to use the Sandata EVV Portal to make sure visit data is correct. The goal is for these staff is to be trained on EVV so they in turn can train other agency staff. ICAs and SDPC are also encouraged to participate in training using the on-demand recordings and online reading resources. Hours: Monday-Friday Stay up to date with us. Usage Agreement: You are accessing this information system using your unique credentials, and the sharing of credentials is strictly prohibited. Additionally, there was an October 2, 2020, webinar for ICAs and SDPC regarding their role in EVV. The goal is for these staff to be trained on EVV so they in turn can train other agency staff and also train self-directed workers on how to check in and out of EVV. 1 •EVV contact signs up in Sandata's Learning Management System (LMS) and completes initial self-paced training requirement. The majority of the live webinar training ends Dec. 22, 2020, but there is still availability. Most workers will not need to review all the resources. If a provider agency that does not have a Medicaid ID, obtain a unique provider agency ID: If a provider agency that has a Medicaid ID, make sure your contact information is updated through the ForwardHealth Portal to receive EVV information from DHS. Med-QUEST is rollout out EVV on October 5th when the provider agencies start their training. Our powerful combination of patented solutions for visit verification is called our Assured Coverage™ program and includes: Sandata Mobile Connect®– Real-time GPS technology, verifying caregiver location and visits via GPS enabled devices. Determine if your provider agency or FEA will use the DHS EVV system or an. You will start seeing caregivers use their smart devices to capture visit information. EVV Training Approach The IHCP will deliver Sandata EVV administrator training to one or two employees from each provider agency. Workers who provide personal care or applicable supportive home care services, provider agencies, fiscal employer agents (FEAs), and program payers (HMOs and MCOs) need training. DCHF has contracted with Sandata Technologies LLC to deliver the EVV system, as well as to provide system orientation and training to providers. In this “train the trainer” model, DHS partners with the FEAs, ensuring resources and information for local use. Once training is complete, each agency will receive a welcome packet that will also allow for access to their agency’s database in the Santrax Payer Management System. Open a web browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) on your computer. These groups will be using EVV directly. That administrator and others can use the materials below to train others and for review: Contact Wisconsin EVV Customer Care by email or by phone at 833-931-2035 for help with all EVV questions. The FEA should train self-directed workers. Frequently Asked Questions Updated January 8, 2021. Sandata provides your agency with two toll-free English numbers and one Spanish numbers to ensure continuous service. Jump to navigation DHS provides training resources to provider agency administrative staff. Register for Provider Choice System Training- This training is intended for Provider Choice System Providers only El… Each provider agency should train their workers to use EVV. Sandata is a leading provider of managing and optimizing the delivery of home care services with a successful track record of implementing EVV solutions nationally for over 12 years, with a total of 3,500+ providers and 1.8M recipients supported. It is recommended that at least one of the two training participants be an administrator for the provider. Workers who provide personal care or applicable supportive home care services, provider agencies, fiscal employer agents (FEAs), and program payers (HMOs and MCOs) need training. DHS Sandata Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Training Pennsylvania Department of Human Services The webinar begins approximately 5 minutes after the start time. Identify other administrative users within your agency. Aggregator training is available to start now, and can be completed before or after interface testing. The goal is for these administrative staff to be trained on the Sandata EVV Portal so they in turn can train other agency staff and also train workers on how to check in and out with EVV. A link is sent to the FEA from Sandata as part of the alternate EVV certification process. The latest version of the Colorado EVV Self-Paced Training Supplemental is available on the Electronic Visit Verification web page. Read more in ForwardHealth Update 2020-32, "Electronic Visit Verification Training for Personal Care Services and Supportive Home Care Services.". Identify training needs, and sign up as appropriate. Use the combination of resources that makes the most sense for your provider agency’s and the workers’ needs. Training on the aggregator tool is part of the alternate EVV certification process. If you have questions about using an alternate EVV system or are waiting for testing information, please contact support at 855-928-1140 or AZCustomerCare@sandata.com. To register, click on the following link to the Learning Management System. Identify a lead administrative user within your agency. It can be used to train new administrative staff or for review. ICAs and SDPC This training is specific to viewing their data sent to the EVV aggregator. Language Access and Notice of Nondiscrimination, Statutory Boards, Committees and Councils, PRAMS (Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System), WISH (Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health) Query System, Find a Health Care Facility or Care Provider, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership (LTCIP), Services for Children with Delays or Disabilities, Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs), Services for People with Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities, Services for People with Physical Disabilities, LGBT Health (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender), Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Program, Small Talks: How WI prevents underage drinking, Health Emergency Preparedness and Response, Home and Community-Based Services Waivers, Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program, Preadmission Screening and Resident Review, Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) Treatment Programs, Environmental Certification, Licenses, and Permits, Health and Medical Care Licensing and Certification, Residential and Community-Based Care Licensing and Certification, sign up for provider agency administrator training, ForwardHealth Update 2020-32, "Electronic Visit Verification Training for Personal Care Services and Supportive Home Care Services, Learn how to obtain a unique provider agency ID, Start the process to obtain a unique provider agency ID, Start the process to obtain a unique worker ID, Training other provider agency administrators, Electronic Visit Verification (EVV): Training. Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Training Registration Quick Reference Guide To sign up for EVV instructor led classroom or webinar trainings follow the steps below: 1. 833-931-2035vdxc.contactevv@wisconsin.gov The goal is for these staff to become familiar with the aggregator tool that collects the data from alternate EVV vendors. ODP Announcement 19-120 shares that EVV training registration is now open for providers, provider agencies, and AWCs who will use the DHS Sandata EVV system and that ODP-specific EVV technical guidance is also now available.. Training in the DHS sponsored Sandata EVV system is required in order for service providers electing to use the system to gain access to it. DHS provides training resources to FEA administrative staff. This person should be the first to complete trainings and be the primary contact for EVV. A link is sent to the provider agency from Sandata as part of the alternate EVV certification process. If the provider agency or FEA chooses to use an alternate EVV system, the alternate EVV vendor should provide training on their system. The November, 19, 2020, training on the aggregator tool for program payer staff is posted on the program payer webpage for EVV. All other training for use of the alternate EVV system, including training other administrative staff and self-directed workers, is the responsibility of the FEA and alternate EVV vendor. ICAs, in their role supporting participants as employers, should help provide participants with worker training information. ICAs also provide participants with information needed to train participant-hired workers. Training is free and mandatory for Medicaid Provider Agencies using a Provider Choice System to receive aggregator log-in credentials. EVV system training is structured as role-based, allowing agency resources to customize their training to their role at the agency. The majority of the live webinar training ends Dec. 22, 2020, but there is still availability. Please remind your staff to sign up as soon as possible. The link provides access to the required on-demand recordings. FEA administrators can sign up for provider agency administrator training through the Sandata learning management system. Providers have greatly benefited from these live sessions as the trainers are able to answer questions in real time during the sessions. Users must also add CentralReach’s free Sandata EVV integration to their account, so we can turn on the integration for you. Sandata was awarded the contract with the State to provide these services. Training is required to ensure all agency employees are ready to capture EVV visit data. Obtain unique worker IDs through the ForwardHealth Portal. If your agency has not enrolled with Sandata or a third-party alternate EVV vendor by Dec. 18, 2020, your agency will be required to enroll with Sandata for the initial EVV launch. After initial launch, a change to an alternative EVV vendor can be made. That training is usually attended by two people per agency. Welcome to the Electronic Visit Verification(EVV) Training! These groups will be using EVV directly. Exceptions 2. ODM has contracted with Sandata Technologies LLC to deliver Ohio’s EVV system, as well as to provide program orientation and training to providers. Their training is … Refresher Training Videos If you and your staff have already competed training but require a refresher on some aspects of the Santrax system, please refer to the videos below. Connecticut DSS Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Program Provider Training: Telephony January 2017 Slide 4 Each agency is assigned a unique account number and given an agency specific Call Reference Guide (CRG). DHS, through Sandata, will provide aggregator training to FEA administrative staff. Alternate EVV users will be required to complete some basic online training beginning October 5, 2020. NC Medicaid’s Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system will launch on Jan. 1, 2021, for State Plan Personal Care Services and Community Alternatives Programs for Children and Disabled Adults (CAP/C and CAP/DA). Contact evv@state.co.us with EVV questions for the Department. The topics covered are Program Overview, EVV: Telephony/MVV/FVV and System Overview. Sandata EVV training will start October and be available through Decmber. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Sandata. For ICAs and the SDPC agency, attending training on the full EVV system is recommended for a helpful understanding, but is not required. Get email alerts on latest news and upcoming events. To register for this course please log into https://www.sandatalearn.com?KeyName=DCagency. The link provides access to the required on-demand recordings. Check In and Check Out Upon arrival, you will press and release a button on the FVV device to receive your 6 digit number for the start time. EVV Training for providers using NC Medicaid’s EVV solution, Sandata, is now underway with instructor-led training webinars filling up fast. Skip to main content, Get the latest on COVID-19  COVID-19 activity level. Space is limited and registration is underway. EVV Contact/Administrator Training: After completing the required course in the Sandata Learning Management System (LMS), you will be ready to create your … Those administrators will be responsible for ensuring their agency’s employees are trained for their roles. EVV Training for providers using NC Medicaid’s EVV solution, Sandata, is now underway with instructor-led training webinars filling up fast. The goal is for these staff to become familiar with the aggregator tool that collects the data from their contracted providers. DHS provides training resources to FEA administrative staff. DHS, through Sandata, will provide online aggregator training to provider agency administrative staff. Provider agencies, Family Care FEAs, and microboards need to know how to train workers and how to use the Sandata EVV Portal to make sure visit data is correct. Training is required to ensure all agency employees are ready to capture EVV visit data. Expected Actions: Your agency EVV administrator designee will begin the training process by signing up to complete a one (1) hour, self-paced overview course. DHS Sandata EVV Training PA DHS, DXC, and Sandata are using a “train the trainer” approach. Please reach out to your Account Manager for assistance. Training Topics Training topics include, but are not be limited to: • Accessing the Sandata EVV portal via the Health PAS Online Portal • Performing EVV administrative functions such as creating and editing information for employees who will use the system • Navigating through the Sandata EVV system • Entering and editing visit records DHS recommends administrative staff use the on-demand recordings along with the Wisconsin EVV Supplemental Guide. DHS, through Sandata, will provide aggregator training to administrative staff. There is both an instructor led webinar and recorded webinar option for the EOR and self-paced training for the employee. We are fortunate to have experience with 18 state Medicaid agencies, 50 national MCOs, and over 15,000 provider agencies across the country. Administrators can sign up for provider agency administrator training through the Sandata learning management system. In this “train the trainer” model, DHS partners with provider agencies, ensuring resources and information for local use. Find more information on the EVV IRIS webpage. Provider Choice User Training for the Aggregator 1. Program payer agencies need to view data on the Sandata aggregator. Provider training for Sandata EVV started Oct 5, 2020 (Sep 23, 2020) 3rd Party EVV visit file layout and guidance uploaded to the Resources tab above (Feb 5, 2020) CMS granted Hawaii EVV go-live extension covering 2020 (Dec 12, 2019) EVV Provider Type table of descriptions QI-1924 (Nov 20, 2019) EVV Provider Type memo QI-1924 (Sep 27, 2019) The FEA should train self-directed workers on the alternate EVV system. Sandata will provide classroom training for agency management on its EVV system. This is an important step. Training on the aggregator tool is part of the alternate EVV certification process. On-demand recordings are available. Each FEA should make sure ICAs, SDPC, participants, and workers are trained. It will give proper credentials from Sandata, delivered in a welcome kit email, and allow the administrator to set up the Sandata EVV Portal. The link provides access to the required on-demand recordings. Provider Webinar Recording – Part 1 This video is a recording of a live webinar. 2. Electronic Visit Verification Training Reminder, Community Alternatives Program (CAP/C & CAP/DA) Providers. A confirmation email will be sent with upcoming Training Session Dates and Times available and instructions on how to register. “Since 1978 Sandata has provided home care solutions that deliver benefits to all the constituents, including Payers, Providers, and the Participants. In smaller agencies where a single staff resource may fill several different roles, staff may need to take training on more than one area of functionality. For provider agencies, FEAs, and program payer agencies choosing to use the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS)-provided EVV system, Sandata, DHS provides training resources to administrators. Sandata will offer two instructor led webinars to provide training to agency staff. partnered with Sandata to offer an open EVV system for provider use. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CT. Sign up to receive email notices about Electronic Visit Verification, whenever this page is updated. DHS provides aggregator training to program payer administrative staff. Attend the Sandata training prior to submitting Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) data. Electronic Visit Verification (EVV): Training Workers Train the workers who will use EVV to check in and out for visits. Those users can train other agency staff using recorded webinars or the online library of role-based training modules as aids. All other training for use of the alternate EVV system, including training other administrative staff, ICAs, SDPC, participants, and workers, is the responsibility of the FEA and alternate EVV vendor. Training on the aggregator tool is part of the alternate EVV certification process. This HHSC EVV Policy c omputer-based training (CBT) course is designed for programs and services currently required to use EVV. It includes modules that explain what EVV is, how EVV works, and who EVV stakeholders are.The course covers EVV visit transactions, EVV visit maintenance, EVV reason codes and required free text, EVV compliance oversight, and includes a summary of EVV changes. The goal is for these staff to become familiar with the aggregator tool that collects the data from the alternate EVV vendors. The webinar PowerPoint and recording is available on the IRIS EVV webpage, in the "IRIS Consultants" section. *Sandata EVV Provider Training and device information are specific to those providers using the Sandata EVV system. The goal is for these staff to become familiar with the aggregator tool that collects the data from alternate EVV vendors. Training Session * Select One Intro to Vesta EVV (For Program Providers) Intro to Vesta EVV (For CDS Employers/Designated Representatives) Intro to Vesta EVV (For FMSA) Advanced EVV FEAs You will also be able to confirm or deny services. Contact the Sandata Provider Help Desk with questions about using EVV at (855) 871-8780 or email CO-HCPF-EVVProviderHelpdesk@etraconline.net. At least one administrator from each agency should attend training through the Sandata learning management system. Aggregator log-in credentials will be provided via email by Sandata within two days of training completion. Although you are required to participate, there is no cost for the EVV system to you or the individuals receiving services. Protecting and promoting the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin. Each provider agency should make sure all administrative staff and workers are trained on the alternate EVV system. Wisconsin EVV Customer Care To start the training process, the agency EVV contact will follow the steps below. Participants, as employers, need to make sure participant-hired workers are trained. One person from each agency must attend training in order to use and access the DHS Sandata system. 3. There are two methods of training that will instruct you on the EVV portal and the available options for your employees to check-in and check-out. Workers need to know how to check in and out for visits. Sent to the provider agencies from Sandata as part of the live webinar training ends Dec.,! 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